Botany and morphology

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Sweetpotato belongs to the morning glory family and has the following systemic classification:


Family Convolvulaceae
Tribe Ipomoeae
Genus Ipomoeae
Sub-genus Quamoclit
Section Batatas
Species Ipomoeae batatas (L.) Lam.

Sweetpotato is a perennial plant cultivated as an annual crop. It thrives in areas with warm temperature and is commonly harvested 110-150 days after planting. Although known for its tolerance to drought and its sensitivity to saturated soil condition, it requires sufficient water and nutrients, to produce good yield.


Huaman, Z. Systemic botany and morphology of the sweetpotato plant. Technical Information Bulletin 25. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru. 22 p.

Contributed by: Vilma Amante

Growth habit

Root system




Fruit and seeds

Storage root

Stages of plant development

Sweetpotato plant parts (Z. Huaman).