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Calliphora maritima

Lateral view


Family: Calliphoridae

Subfamily: Calliphorinae

Genus: Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy 1830

Subgenus: Paracalliphora Townsend 1916

Species: maritima Norris 1995


The third-instar larva was described by Wallman (2001).


Calliphora maritima is resticted to the sea cliffs, coastal heath and beaches of the southern Australian coast and its estuaries (Norris 1994). Monzu (1997) frequently observed this species feeding on animal faeces and the ovoviviparous females depositing larvae on liver. It is likely that this species searches for carrion deposited by the sea on the shoreline in order to reproduce (Norris 1994).


Calliphora maritima is confined to areas of shoreline, and is generally not found inland. The northern limits of this species are unknown due to insufficient sampling, particularly along the west coast. However, it has been observed as far north as Rottnest Island, WA (32.00'S) and Five Island, NSW (34.29'S). This species is probably distributed along the entire southern coast between these two northern-most location. It is also common along the coast of Tasmania.

Relevant Literature

Monzu, N. (1977) Coexistence of carrion-breeding Calliphoridae (Diptera) in Western Australia. Ph.D., University of Western Australia.

Norris, K.R. (1994) Three new species of Australian 'Golden Blowflies' (Diptera: Calliphoridae: Calliphora), with a key to described species. Invertebrate Taxonomy 8, 1343-1366.

Wallman, J.F. (2001) Third-instar larvae of common carrion-breeding blowflies of the genus Calliphora (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in South Australia. Invertebrate Taxonomy 15, 37-51.

Wallman, J.F., Leys, R. and Hogendoorn, K. (2005) Molecular systematics of Australian carrion-breeding blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) based on mitochondrial DNA. Invertebrate Systematics 19, 1-15.