Axiagastus Dallas, 1851

Photo © Emma Betts, Australian Museum

Type species:

Axiagastus rosmarus Dallas, 1851 by monotypy.

Number of Australian species:


Extralimital Distribution:

Australian Region - Indonesia (Sulawesi (Celebes)), Palau, Papua New Guinea (including Bismarck Archipelago), Solomon Islands; Oriental Region - China (People's Republic), India, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia, Philippines.

Australian Distribution:








Dorsally mottled, dark reddish brown and pale brown, with dark punctations. Ventrally pale brown with some scattered reddish brown punctations. Legs and antennae mottled pale and reddish brown.


Dorsally and ventrally densely punctate.




Body - Elongate-ovoid; dorsally convex. Length 9.1 mm - 11.3 mm; width 6.7 mm - 8.9 mm.

Head - Subtriangular, moderately dorsoventrally orientated, shorter than pronotum; jugae equal in length to clypeus, apically pointed, laterally carinate; antennifer processes absent; first antennal segment shorter than the distance between the eyes, inserted into head below mid-height but above ventral margin of eyes; bucculae elongate (posteriorly beyond antennifers); vertex cross-sectional shape convex; labium extending onto abdomen, to second sterna or beyond, first labial segment longer than bucculae; eyes not stylate, directed laterally.

Pronotum - Calli present; anterior lobe surface flat; pronotal collar present; humeral angles subangulate; lateral margins carinate; anterolateral margins simple and straight; posterolateral and posterior margins straight.

Scutellum - U-shaped, enlarged but not reaching posterior abdomen, apex broadly rounded; lateral calli and medial callus absent.

Thoracic sterna - Prosternum and mesosternum with raised keel, metasternum flat.

External efferent system - Evaporative scent gland covering most of the metepisternum; peritreme elongate, apically pointed.

Hemelytra - Macropterous, longer than abdomen; membrane veins linear and mostly subparallel.

Legs - For tibia sulcate.

Abdomen - Connexiva visible dorsally; laterotergites armed with tiny posteriorly directed spines.