Annual or perennial herbs or shrublets with capitula solitary, in small
groups or in tight clusters. Capitula are heterogamous disciform (or rarely
homogamous discoid). Involucral bracts are generally colourful: white, yellow,
red, pink, straw-coloured or brown. Flowers 2–2500. Female florets are yellow,
pistillate, filiform, and are fewer than the disc florets. Disc florets
perfect. Pappus bristles are generally in one row and not fused at the base.
585 species worldwide – mainly Africa & Madagascar, also Europe & Asia.
Woody plants, stunted from growing in rock crevices. Leaves minute, scale-like,
densely appressed, very densely glandular. Capitula solitary or 2–4 terminally
on branches; 24–28-flowered. Involucral bracts milky white, reflexed in
upper part. Florets yellow. Cypselas very densely hairy, with twin-hairs.
Monotypic Western & Eastern Cape endemic.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its scale-like leaves and lack
of female florets.
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D. ericoides |
D. ericoides |
Perennial herbs or shrublets, sprawling, ascending or erect. Leaves ascending,
erect or appressed, subulate to linear-lanceolate. Capitula large, broadly
campanulate, mostly solitary. Involucral bracts white, pink or yellow, radiate,
much exceeding the florets. Flowers 85–315. 3 species – endemic to Western
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its xeromorphic, concave, adaxially
tomentose leaves.
E. sesamoides |
E. sesamoides |
E. sesamoides |
Prostrate woolly annual herb. Capitula discoid or disciform, in terminal
clusters embedded in wool of surrounding leaves. 2 species endemic to southern
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its fenestrated stereome and
very acute to acuminate involucral bracts, and by the female florets outnumbering
the hermaphrodite florets.
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G. oculus-cati |
G. oculus-cati |
Perennial or annual herbs. Branches never long and straggling. Capitula
disciform, few together, terminal or racemosely arranged. Involucral bracts
in few rows, light brown, cream or white; stereome undivided. Cypselas small,
oblong, glabrous or sparsely hairy with twin-hairs. 80 species worldwide
– cosmopolitan, 14 species in southern Africa.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its purple female florets, which
outnumber the disc florets.
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G. capense |
G. capense |
G. limicola |
G. limicola |
Perennial herbs. Stems much branched, spreading, ashy grey, closely leafy.
Capitula disciform, narrowly campanulate, few clustered at branchlet tips.
Involucral bracts in 4 rows, outer short and pale brown, inner with tips
milk-white, stereome undivided. Female florets outnumbering disc florets.
Pappus bristles apically plumose, basally connate. Cypselas with globose,
myxogenic twin-hairs. Monotypic – KZN and Mozambique coast.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its strongly revolute leaf margins
and female florets outnumbering the disc florets.
Annual herbs, small, prostrate and woolly. Capitula disciform, campanulate,
closely surrounded by leaves. Involucral bracts in 2 or 3 rows, whitish
or straw-coloured. 8 species in southern Africa and rest of Africa, 1 species
also in Spain & India.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its disciform capitula.
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L. micropoides |
L. micropoides |
Rigid, erect shrubs. Branches covered in brachyblasts borne at right angles
to the main branch; branches and brachyblasts densely covered in small,
fleshy, knob-like leaves. Capitula large, with 800–1000 florets. Involucre
bright pink but fading with age; lamina of involucral bracts up to 22 mm
long. Monotypic Western Cape endemic.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its minute leaves, purple female
and disc florets, and disc florets outnumbering the female florets.
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P. prolifera |
P. prolifera |
P. prolifera |
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Capitula disciform, in small clusters
corymbosely or cymosely arranged. Involucral bracts in 3 or 4 rows, white,
yellow or cream. 90 species in Africa, Asia, Europe and America – 3 widespread
in southern Africa.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its disciform capitula, translucent
involucral bracts and scabrid pappus bristles.
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P. oligandrum |
P. oligandrum |
P. oligandrum |
Perennial shrubs. Leaves alternate, sessile. Capitula discoid, solitary
or few together. Involucral bracts white, yellow, pink or brown. Pappus
bristles fused at the base in a smooth ring, shaft usually plumose, rarely
barbellate or smooth. 25 species – Western & Eastern Cape.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by the homogamous and discoid capitula,
pappus bristles that are connate in groups, undivided stereome, and myxogenic
cypsela hairs.
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S. chlorochysum |
S. vestita |
S. paniculata |
Shrubby perennial, branches loosely leafy. Leaves revolute, decurrent, glabrous
above, white-tomentose below. Capitula disciform, cylindric, in small terminal
clusters, often further aggregated into spreading corymbose panicles. Involucral
bracts pink or white, in several rows, radiating. Receptacle paleate. Cypselas
with scattered, short, clavate myxogenic hairs. Monotypic in eastern & northern
parts of South Africa.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its paleate receptacle and narrow
decurrent leaves.
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Tenrhynea sp. |
Tenrhynea sp. |
Tenrhynea sp. |
Delicate annual or short-lived perennials with an effuse habit. Leaves small,
on filiform petioles, both surfaces cobwebby or woolly. Capitula discoid
or disciform, small, few, on filiform peduncles. 6 species endemic to southern
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its purple female and disc florets.
Grey or white-woolly annual or weakly perennial grey-woolly herbs. Leaves
small to medium-sized, oblanceolate or spathulate. Capitula up to 4 x 3
mm, disciform or discoid, very small, few or many, almost sessile in woolly
glomerules. Involucral bracts with opaque white tips; pappus bristles subplumose
in upper part. 7 species endemic to southern Africa. One species naturalised
in Australia & New Zealand.
Distinguished from Helichrysum by its purple female and disc florets.
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V. dealbatum |
V. dealbatum |
V. dealbatum |