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The Agromyzidae are a well-known group of small, morphologically similar flies whose larvae feed internally on plants, often as leaf and stem miners. Nearly all species are very host-specific but a few highly polyphagous species have become important pests of agriculture and horticulture in many parts of the world. These key species: Liriomyza bryoniae, L. huidobrensis, L. sativae, L. trifolii and Chromatomyia horticola are not yet present in Australia but all pose a significant quarantine threat.

Typically, these polyphagous leafminers are considered to have invaded countries via movement of infested plants (generally ornamentals such as chrysanthemum) (Spencer 1989). While fully-formed mines should be readily visible to quarantine officials, signs of early infestations are much less obvious and are easily overlooked (Spencer 1989).

This information portal provides users access to the extensive information now available on pest agromyzid species. The cornerstone is the pictorial Lucid3 key that allows users to make a preliminary identification of pest agromyzids and to be able to distinguish these species from non-pest endemic agromyzids. Fact sheets for each species in the key provide images, details of nomenclature, known distribution, host range, important diagnostic characters, notes on the species, bibliography and extensive web links to images and other information about the species currently available on the WWW. General information on techniques is also provided. The fact sheets feature extensive web links to other detailed information resources. There is also a bibliography of all references cited in the fact sheets.

Users of the key should still have their preliminary identifications confirmed by a taxonomic specialist.

Spencer KA (1989). Leaf miners. In Plant Protection and Quarantine, Vol. 2, Selected Pests and Pathogens of Quarantine Significance (ed. Kahn RP). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 77-98.