Flower. Photo: Don Wood, Scotia Sanctuary, NSW

Flowering plants. Photo: Don Wood, Scotia Sanctuary, NSW

Flower and leaves. Australian Plant Image Index, photo: Murray Fagg, Packsaddle, north of Broken Hill, NSW

Flowering plants. Australian Plant Image Index, photo: Murray Fagg, Packsaddle north of Broken Hill, NSW

Common Name

Silky Goodenia, Mallee Goodenia




Perennial forb to 30cm tall.  Leaves basal, forming a rostette, and alternating up the stems, 2-14cm long, 3-25mm wide, linear to flat, hairy to bristly, often slightly sticky, edges dissected, toothed, or entire.  Flowers yellow, tubular, the tube split to the base, with 5 lobes, solitary or in open groups, on stalks arising from the bases of the leaves or at the ends of the stems.  Extremely variable.

Description and photo in G.M. Cunningham, WE Mulham, PL Milthorpe and J H Leigh (1981 and later printings) Plants of Western New South Wales page 632

PlantNET description: