Common Name

Yellow Swainson-pea, Yellow Darling-pea




Perennial shrub-like forb to about 1m tall.  Leaves alternating up the stems, consisting of 11-19 leaflets each 0.5-2.5cm long, 2-12mm wide, flat, hairless, with rounded notched tips, or occasionally rounded tips.  Pea flower with five yellow petals, two almost joined together.  Flowers in 15-20 flowered cylindrical racemes, the stalks arising from the bases of the leaves.  Vulnerable Australia.  Vulnerable NSW. Protected NSW.  Rare SA.  Vulnerable Vic.

Differs from Swainsona laxa in that the stipules at the base of the leaf are leaf-like, and the flowers are yellow, with no purple markings.

PlantNET description with line drawings:

NSW Department of Environment & Heritage profile: