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Micraira multinervia Lazarides

Micraira F.Muell., Fragm. 5: 208 (1866); from Greek mikros (small) and the genus Aira, because of resemblance on a smaller scale to that genus.

multinervia- from the Latin multus (many) and nervus (nerve). Lemma and palea many-nerved.

Published in
Nuytsia 5: 293 (1984).

Perennial, mat forming or densely, tufted. Culms prostrate, 10–15 cm tall, 1 mm diam. Mid-culm internodes 0.1–0.2 cm long, estriate. Leaves cauline, spiral. Leaf-sheaths 0.4–0.5 cm long, longer than adjacent culm internode, as wide as blade at the collar, smooth, glabrous on surface. Ligule a fringed membrane or a fringe of hairs, 0.2 mm long. Leaf-blades disarticulating from the sheaths, lanceolate, 0.9–1.25 cm long, 1.3 mm wide, coriaceous or indurate, rigid. Leaf-blade venation comprising 7–9 vascular bundles, with 7–9 subepidermal sclerenchyma strands. Leaf-blade surface ribbed, scaberulous, glabrous. Leaf-blade margins smooth or scaberulous, ciliate, hairy at base. Leaf-blade apex acuminate or attenuate, pungent, hardened.

Inflorescence compound, a panicle, exserted. Peduncle glandular. Panicle contracted, oblong, loose, 1 cm long, 0.3–1 cm wide. Primary panicle branches 0.2–0.5 cm long.

Spikelets solitary. Pedicels 0.1–0.8 mm long. Fertile spikelets 2-flowered, comprising 2 fertile florets, without rhachilla extension, oblong, laterally compressed, 0.5–1 mm long, breaking up at maturity. Spikelets disarticulating below each fertile floret.

Glumes persistent, similar, firmer than fertile lemma. Lower glume ovate, 0.5–1 mm long, equalling upper glume, membranous or scarious, 1-keeled, 1(–2)-nerved. Lower glume lateral nerves absent. Lower glume apex truncate or obtuse, muticous or mucronate. Upper glume ovate, 0.5–1 mm long, 100% of length of adjacent fertile lemma, membranous or scarious, 1-keeled, 1(–2)-nerved, midnerve conspicuous. Upper glume lateral nerves absent. Upper glume apex truncate or obtuse, muticous or mucronate.

Fertile lemma oblong or ovate, 0.5–1 mm long, hyaline or membranous, 5–7-nerved. Lemma lateral nerves ribbed. Lemma apex emarginate to obtuse. Palea oblong, hyaline, 4–6-nerved, 2-keeled. Palea keels thickened. Palea apex divided to base, 2-fid. Anthers 2, 0.8 mm long. Grain with adherent pericarp, ellipsoid or oblong, 0.5–0.6 mm long, striate, obtuse or acute.

Continental Distribution:

Australian Distribution:
Northern Territory: Darwin & Gulf.

Classification. (GPWG 2001):
Incertae Sedis: Micraireae

Endemic. Grows in sand on rocky, sandstone escarpment, slopes and pavements in crevices, shallow ephemeral water and moist sites. Flowers & fruits January, May.

Illustrations available:
Australian distribution

Australian Distribution

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