Poa porphyroclados Nees
Poa L., Sp. Pl. 67 (1753); from the Greek poa (grass, especially
as fodder).
porphyroclados- from the Greek porphyra (purple) and klados (branch).
Published in
J.G.C.Lehmann, Pl. Preiss. 2: 105 (1846).
Common synonyms
Poa serpentum R.Br.
Perennial, tufted. Cataphylls present. Basal leaf sheaths herbaceous, pallid.
Young shoots extravaginal. Culms 40120 cm tall, 12-noded. Mid-culm
internodes terete, smooth or scaberulous. Mid-culm nodes glabrous. Lateral branches
simple. Leaves mostly basal. Leaf-sheaths scaberulous, glabrous on surface.
Ligule an eciliate membrane or a fringed membrane, 0.40.6 mm long, truncate.
Leaf-blades filiform, flat or involute, 847 cm long, 0.33.8 mm wide.
Leaf-blade surface smooth, glabrous.
Inflorescence compound, a panicle. Peduncle scaberulous above. Panicle open,
ovate, effuse, 732 cm long. Primary panicle branches spreading, 4-nate.
Panicle branches capillary, scaberulous.
Spikelets solitary. Pedicels scabrous. Fertile spikelets many flowered, comprising
26 fertile florets, with diminished florets at the apex, oblong, laterally
compressed, 48 mm long, breaking up at maturity. Spikelets disarticulating
below each fertile floret. Rhachilla internodes smooth. Floret callus woolly.
Glumes persistent, similar. Lower glume oblong, 2.13.2 mm long, 90%
length of upper glume, membranous, 1-keeled, 3-nerved, midnerve scaberulous.
Lower glume apex acute. Upper glume oblong, 2.33.4 mm long, 75% of
length of adjacent fertile lemma, membranous, 1-keeled, 3-nerved, midnerve scaberulous.
Upper glume apex acute.
Fertile lemma oblong, oblong in profile, 2.63.75 mm long, membranous,
5-nerved. Lemma midnerve ciliate. Lemma margins eciliate or ciliate, hairy at
base. Lemma apex obtuse. Palea 90% of length of lemma. Palea keels scaberulous,
adorned above. Palea surface smooth or scabrous. Apical sterile florets resembling
fertile though underdeveloped. Lodicules 2, membranous. Anthers 3, 1.82.2
mm long, yellow or purple. Grain with adherent pericarp. Hilum punctiform.
Continental Distribution:
Australian Distribution:
Western Australia: Irwin, Drummond, Dale, Menzies, Warren, Eyre, Roe.
Classification. (GPWG
Pooideae: Poeae
Endemic to W.A. Flowers Oct.Dec.
Habit (photo)
© R. Soreng