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Trisetum spicatum (L.) K.Richt. subsp. australiense Hultén ex Veldkamp

Common name
Bristle Grass

Trisetum Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 97 (1805); from the Latin tri (three) and setum (bristle), alluding to lemmas with three awns.

spicatum- from the Latin spica (thorn) and -ata (possessing). Inflorescence a spike or spicate panicle.

Published in
Gard. Bull. Singapore 36(1): 135. (1983).

Perennial, tufted. Rhizomes elongated. Young shoots extravaginal. Culms erect or geniculately ascending, 8–65 cm tall, 1–5-noded. Leaf-sheaths glabrous on surface or pubescent. Ligule an eciliate membrane. Leaf-blades flat or involute, 4–15 cm long, 1–5 mm wide, rigid. Leaf-blade surface glabrous or puberulous to hirsute. Leaf-blade apex acuminate, hooded.

Inflorescence solid, a panicle. Peduncle pubescent above. Panicle spiciform, linear or ovate, 1.5–11 cm long, 1–2 cm wide. Panicle axis puberulous. Panicle branches puberulous.

Spikelets solitary. Pedicels glabrous or puberulous. Fertile spikelets many flowered, comprising 2–3 fertile florets, with a barren rhachilla extension, oblong, laterally compressed, 4–7.7 mm long, breaking up at maturity. Spikelets disarticulating below each fertile floret. Rhachilla internodes pubescent. Floret callus pubescent.

Glumes persistent, similar, thinner than fertile lemma, shiny, gaping. Lower glume elliptic, 3.5–5 mm long, 75–90% length of upper glume, membranous, 1-keeled, 1–3-nerved. Lower glume lateral nerves absent or obscure. Lower glume apex acute. Upper glume elliptic or ovate, 4–6.5 mm long, 100–120% of length of adjacent fertile lemma, membranous, 1-keeled, 3-nerved. Upper glume apex acute.

Fertile lemma elliptic, 4–6.6 mm long, membranous, much thinner above, much thinner on margins, glossy, 5-nerved. Lemma surface glabrous or puberulous. Lemma apex entire or dentate, 2-fid, 1-awned. Median (principal) awn dorsal, arising 66% way up back of lemma, curved or geniculate, reflexed, 2.5–6.5 mm long overall, with a twisted column. Palea gaping, hyaline. Palea keels scaberulous. Anthers 3. Ovary glabrous. Grain with adherent pericarp. Hilum punctiform.

Continental Distribution:
Europe, Temperate Asia, Tropical Asia, Australasia, North America, and South America.

Australian Distribution:
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania.

Queensland: Moreton. New South Wales: Southern Tablelands. Victoria: Snowfields. Tasmania: Central Highlands, Ben Lomond, South West, Mt Wellington.

Classification. (GPWG 2001):
Pooideae: Aveneae

Native. Alpine and subalpine grasslands and woodlands, usually on skeletal soils. Flowers Jan.–Mar.

Illustrations available:
Habit (photo)
Inflorescence (photo)
Inflorescence and spikelet (photo)
Spikelet (line drawing)
Australian distribution

Habit (photo)
photo C. Totterdell

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Inflorescence (photo)
photo C. Totterdell

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Inflorescence and spikelet (photo)
© Watson and Dallwitz 1989

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Spikelet (line drawing)
© Stanley and Ross 1989

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Australian Distribution

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