The authors would like to thank
Photo credits
ALR – Annelise le Roux
ALV – Anne Lise Schutte-Vlok
AWK – Arrie Klopper
EE – Etienne Erasmus
GN – Geoff Nichols
HS – Hester Steyn
HV – Hans Vahrmeijer
JB – John Burrows
JF – Jane Forrester
JK – Judd Kirkel
JV – Jan Vlok
LF – Lyn Fish
MK – Marinda Koekemoer
NC – Neil Crouch
PMB – Priscilla Burgoyne
RDV – Riaan de Villiers
RO – Roger Oliver
SPB – Pieter Bester
SS – Sumarie Slabber
Where no photo credits are indicated, images were taken by the authors.
SANBI Publication team (Sandra Turck, Elizma Fouché and Alicia Grobler) for their support and enthusiasm. Fellow botanists Clare Archer, Robert Archer, Christien Bredenkamp, John Burrows, Sandie Burrows, Christopher Cupido, Lyn Fish, Anne Johannsmeier, Marie Jordaan, Ronell Klopper, Anthony Magee, John Manning, Elizabeth Retief, Shirley Smithies, Dee Snijman, Janine Victor, Mienkie Welman and Pieter Winter who gave useful comments on the draft text. Prof. A.E. van Wyk for writing the foreword and for general advice. The Botanical Education Trust for partially funding this project. Dr O.A. Leistner is thanked for critically reviewing the manuscript and for very valuable improvements to the text.
Also Elizma Fouché (SANBI Publications Section) for developing a stunning front page and linking it to the key.
Thanks to the LUCID development team (in particular Matt Taylor) for the continuous support and patience in answering many enquiries, and for hosting the key.
And finally, to everyone who will use the key and contribute to the improvement thereof. |