Proteaceae (Grevillea & Hakea)
Genera: Grevillea, Hakea
Vouchers: G. striata JAB124, G. juncifolia JAB147, H. leucoptera ssp. leucoptera JAB112, H. eyreana JAB139, JAB142
Family: Proteaceae
General features: Density 800-1100 kg/m3 . Where present or discernible, heartwood red and darker than sapwood. Longitudinal surface characterised by ray fleck visible to the naked eye; ray fleck is particularly evident if wood is roughly sawn to expose the radial surface. Rays distinctly visible on cross-section with naked eye.
Microscopic features:
Vessels Tangential vessel diameter: range 10-157 µm; mean 24 µm; SD 14 µm; average maximum 21-111 µm; n = 3420 vessels. Vessels per square millimetre not recorded for species with vessels arranged in tangential bands (IAWA 1989: 259). Vessels arranged in tangential bands; clusters present. Perforation plates simple with prominent rim.
Axial parenchyma Axial parenchyma banded. Banded axial parenchyma unbroken and with a radial bandwidth not larger than tangential ray width. Banded axial parenchyma not further apart than rays.
Rays Rays 3-26 cells wide with uniseriate rays absent (n = 131 rays). Rays of two distinct widths with largest multiseriate rays usually wider than vessels. Rays 1-6 per tangential mm (n = 73 sampled areas). Ray height not recorded but can measure greater than 1 mm. Rays heterocellular or homocellular? Check for silica presence in ray cells of Grevillea sp. Abundant rod-shaped crystals present in multiseriate ray cells of H. eyreana.
Helical thickenings Present and absent.
Physical and chemical tests: Chrome azurol-s test negative. Heartwood fluorescence absent or possibly a weak pink. Froth test weakly positive to negative. Ethanol extract fluorescence absent . Ethanol extract colourless or discoloured. Water extract fluorescence absent.