Sub family: Melolonthinae / Tribe: Diplotaxini / Genus: Apogonia
Fact Sheet
Apogonia Kirby, 1819
Small black to dark brown beetles, around 7-12mm. Some with an irridescent sheen dorsally. Antennae and palps yellow/reddish. Clypeus broadly rounded, labrum globular, situated below the clypeus and not visible in dorsal view. Head, pronotum and elytra punctate. Pronotum anterior margin with a membraneous border. Elytra with two smooth slightly elevated costa. Apical half of lateral margin of elytra with a membraneous border. Propygidium fused with penultimate ventrite into a continuous ring around the pygidium. Tarsal claws bifid.
Biological information for most species is unknown.
Adults are known to feed on leaf tissue. A range of species within Apogonia have been noted or suspected as injurious to cultivated plants in Africa and Asia. These include Cacao, coffee, mung bean, soybean and sugar cane.
Apogonia destructor is recorded as a minor pest of sugar cane in Java. The larvae feed on decaying plant material, but can also feed on the roots of sugar cane and other grasses as they become more mature. Adult beetles are active at night, and are attracted to light.
The genus Apogonia is primarily distributed through the Afrotropical and Oriental regions. Several species are known from southern Palearctic areas.
The three species known to Australia have limited geographic distributions. ANIC sp.1 has only been found around Darwin, NT, ANIC sp.2 has also only been recorded from the NT and ANIC sp.3 from Cape York, QLD.
ANIC sp.1 is conspecific with a species widespread across South East Asia (Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia), indicating it has been introduced to Australia.
Islam, W., Ahmed, K.N., Joarder, O.I. 1984. Timing and extent of damage caused by insect pests of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) in Bangladesh. Crop Protection, 3(3), 343-348
Kalshoven, L.G.E., van der Laan, P.A., Rothschild, G.H.L. 1981. Pests of crops in Indonesia, P. T. Ichtiar Baru, Van Hoeve, Jakarta. pp.701
Vaurie, P. 1958. A revision of the genus Diplotaxis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae). 1. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 115(5), 263-396
Weir T.A., Lawrence J.F., Lemann C., Gunter N.L. 2019. 31. Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae Leach, 1819. In: Australian Beetles. Volume 2. Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga (part) (eds A Ślipiński & JF Lawrence) pp. 516–530. CSIRO, Clayton, Australia.