Print Fact SheetAsplenium acuminatum Hook. & Arn.



Hawaiian Name



Asplenium acuminatum var. subintegrum Hillebr.; Asplenium goldmannii W. J. Rob; Asplenium polyphyllum C. Presl; Asplenium polyphyllum C. Presl var. subintegrum Hillebr.; Tarachia polyphylla (C. Presl) C. Presl




Rhizome (stem): creeping to decumbent, with scales. Scales clathrate, dark brown to purplish-black/black, concolorous.

Fronds (leaves): 45-200 cm long, erect (may be arching or drooping), not proliferous , young leaves green.

Stipes (petioles): not winged, grooved, 1/3-1/5 frond length, dark brown to purplish-black/black, concolorous, with scales. Scales clathrate, dark brown to purplish-black/black, concolorous, sparse throughout or only at the extreme base, lanceolate/ovate.

Vasculature at base of stipe (petiole): back-to-back C-shaped, fusing distally into a X-shape.

Blades: bipinnate, lanceolate/ovate, margins slightly lobed, toothed, apex pinnatifid, coriaceous, glabrous or with scales. Scales clathrate, dark brown, sparse/scattered throughout.

Veins: prominent, free, not uniting to form a marginal or costal commissural vein, forked once to two or more times or not, terminating in marginal teeth.

Pinnae: longest pinna 7-21 cm long, (17-)18-28 pairs, alternate, lanceolate/ovate, proximal pinnae not or minimally reduced in size.

Pinnules: 1-2.4 cm long, lanceolate/ovate.

Ultimate segments: 1-2.4 cm long, 5-12 mm wide, 7-32 pairs.

Rachises (midribs): not winged, grooved, dark brown to purplish-black/black, with scales. Scales clathrate, dark brown, concolorous, sparse throughout.

Sori: linear, along veins, in lines extending toward margin, 4-6 mm long, up to 12 per segment, paraphyses absent.

Indusia: present, linear, opening toward midrib (inward).

Island Distribution

Kaua'i, O'ahu, Moloka'i, Lāna'i, Maui, and Hawai'i




Locally common

Elevational Range

275-2500 m