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Superfamily Tetranychoidea

   Family Tetranychidae

      Subfamily Bryobiinae

        Tribe Petrobiini

          Genus Petrobia

Common names: brown wheat mite, legume mite, oxalis spider mite

Probability of Encounter: High

Quarantine importance: High.  The genus Petrobia contains more than 30 species often grouped into 3 subgenera of which several polyphagous species are important pests. 


Similar taxa.  The true spider mites in the Tetranychinae do not have empodia with tenent hairs.  The claws are pad-like in other tribes of Bryobiinae.


 Baker EW & AE Pritchard.  1960.  The tetranychoid mites of Africa.  Hilgardia 29(11): 455-574.

 Baker EW & DM Tuttle.  1994.  A guide to the spider mites (Tetranychidae) of the United States.  Indira Pub. House, West Bloomfield, MI: 347 pp.

Bolland HR, J Gutierre  & CHW Flechtmann. 1998. World Catalogue of the Spider Mite Family (Acari: Tetranychidae). Brill: Leiden.

Helle W & MW Sabelis (eds.) 1985. Spider Mites, Their Biology, Natural Enemies, and Control, vol. 1A. Elsevier: New York.

Jeppson LR, HH Keifer & EW Baker. 1975. Mites Injurious to Economic Plants, University of California Press: Berkeley

Meyer, M.K.P. 1974.  A revision of the Tetranychidae of Africa (Acari) with a key to the genera of the world.  Dept. Agr. Tech. Serv. Mem. 36: 291 pp.

Meyer, M.K.P. Smith 1987.  African Tetranychidae (Acari: Prostigmata) - with reference to the world genera.  S. Afr. Dept. Agr. Water Supply, Entomol. Mem. No. 69: 175 pp.

Robertson NL & TW Carroll  1988.  Virus-like particles and a spider mite intimately associated with a new disease of barley.  Science 240: 1188-1190.

Smidansky ED & TW Carroll 1996.  Factors influencing the outcome of barley yellow streak mosaic virus-brown wheat mite-barley interactions. Plant Disease 80(2): 186-193.