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Nanorchestes Topsent & Trouessart 1937

Type species: Nanorchestes amphibius Topsent & Trouessart 1937

(= Monalicus arboriger Berlese 1904)

(Gainia nivalis Trouessart 1914 = Nanorchestes gressitti Strandtmann 1982)

Nanorchestes africanus Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes arboriger (Berlese, 1904) Italy

Nanorchestes antarcticus Strandtmann, 1963 - Antarctica

Nanorchestes bellus Strandtmann & Somme, 1977 – Antarctica, Macquarie Is

Nanorchestes bifurcatus Strandtmann, 1967 - Antarctica

Nanorchestes brekkerista Strandtmann & Somme, 1977 Antarctica, Macquarie Is

Nanorchestes capensis Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes coatesi Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes collinus Hirst 1918 – England, Alaska, Canada

Nanorchestes exertus Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes gilli Strandtmann, 1982 - Alaska

Nanorchestes globosus Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes hoffmannae Vazquez – Mexico

Nanorchestes hutchinsoni Luxton – NSW intertidal

Nanorchestes jodiae Strandtmann, 1982 - Alaska

Nanorchestes lalae Strandtmann, 1982 – Antarctica

Nanorchestes llanoi Strandtmann, 1982 - Alaska

Nanorchestes macquariensis Strandtmann, 1982 – Macquarie Is

Nanorchestes marianae Strandtmann, 1982 – Macquarie Is

Nanorchestes memelensis Theron & Ryke, 1975 – South Africa

Nanorchestes nivalis (Troussart, 1914) – Antarctica

Nanorchestes pollicaris Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes pseudocollinus Schuster, 1958 – Europe

Nanorchestes pulvinar Grandjean, 1942 – Europe

Nanorchestes siculus (Berlese, 1910) – Italy

Nanorchestes triclavatus Booth, 1984 - Antarctica

Nanorchestes usualis Theron & Ryke, 1969 – South Africa

Nanorchestes watsoni Strandtmann, 1982 – Macquarie Is

Nanorchestes willbanksi Strandtmann, 1981 – Antarctica


DIAGNOSIS.  Body globular.  Prodorsum with 4 pairs of setae (le, exa, in, exp) and 2 pairs of filiform trichobothria (bo, ro); ro with latch-like seta le; naso without setae; one pair of lateral eyes and median eye usually present.  Labrum tubular, elongate and well sclerotised; chelicerae weakly dentate, each with 2 setae; rutella simple or highly modified; 2-3 pairs of adoral setae and 3 pairs of hypostomal setae; palps with 4-5 free segments.  Opisthosoma hypertrichous, setae typically dendritic; 2-3 pairs of genital papillae.


REMARKS.  The empodial claw of nanorchestid mites has a swollen basal region densely covered in setules and a smooth distal claw, and resembles the empodial claw of Alycosmesis (Terpnacaridae). Species of Nanorchestes are diverse and abundant in beach sand, dry forest soil, grasslands, mosses, and dry and cold deserts, and are the dominant form of animal life in Antarctica.


SIMILAR TAXA.  Neonanorchestes is identical except for having one clavate pair of trichobothria.




Kethley JB.  1982.  Endeostigmata.  pp. 118-120, In: Parker SP (ed.)  Synopsis and classification of living organisms.  McGraw-Hill, NY.

Kethley JB.  1990.  Acarina: Prostigmata (Actinedida).  pp. 667-756, In: DL Dindal (ed), Soil Biology Guide.  John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.