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Neonanorchestes McDaniel & Bolen, 1981

Type species: Neonanorchestes pelosangulus McDaniel & Bolen – coastal sands, Texas

Neonanorchestes ammolitoreus McDaniel & Bolen – coastal sands, Texas


DIAGNOSIS.  Body globular.  Prodorsum with 4 pairs of setae (le, exa, in, exp) and 2 pairs of trichobothria (bo, ro), bo capitate, ro filiform and with latch-like seta le; naso without setae; one pair of lateral eyes and median eye usually present.  Labrum tubular, elongate and well sclerotised; chelicerae weakly dentate, each with 2 setae; rutella simple or highly modified; 2-3 pairs of adoral setae and 3 pairs of hypostomal setae; palps with 4-5 free segments.  Opisthosoma hypertrichous; 2-3 pairs of genital papillae.


REMARKS. Neonanorchestes have been reported at high population densities on beaches.


SIMILAR TAXA.  Nanorchestes is identical except for having both pairs of trichobothria filiform.






Kethley JB.  1982.  Endeostigmata.  pp. 118-120, In: Parker SP (ed.)  Synopsis and classification of living organisms.  McGraw-Hill, NY.

Kethley JB.  1990.  Acarina: Prostigmata (Actinedida).  pp. 667-756, In: DL Dindal (ed), Soil Biology Guide.  John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

McDaniel B, Bolen EG.  1981.  A new genus and two new species of Nanorchestidae from Padre Island, Texas (Acari: Prostigmata).  Acarologia 22(3) 1981: 253-256