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OEHSERCHESTIDAE Kethley, 1977 (=Hybalicidae Theron, 1974)

Oehserchestes Jacot, 1939 (= Coccorchestes Jacot 1938 [preoccupied]; = Hybalicus sensu Theron 1974)

Type species: Oehserchestes (Oehserchestes) humicolus (Jacot 1939) (=Hybalicus humicolus Jacot 1939) and Hybalicus spathatus Theron 1974) – North America, South Africa

Oehserchestes (Oehserchestes) dorysetatus (Theron 1974) – South Africa

Oehserchestes (Theronicus) Kethley, 1977

Oehserchestes (Theronicus) flabelliger (Berlese 1913) (=Hybalicus flabelliger Berlese 1913) - Italy

Oehserchestes (=Hybalicus) arboriger (Theron 1974) – South Africa, Hawaii, Qld


DIAGNOSIS.  Prodorsum with 1 pair of filiform trichobothria (bo) and 4 pairs of setae (exp absent); naso well developed and bearing setae ro; median eye absent, lateral eyes present or absent.  Subcapitulum with 5-6 pairs of setae; rutella well developed, dentate; chelicerae chelate-dentate, each with 2 setae.  Opisthosomal segment C with 3 pairs of setae (c2 seemingly absent); segment sometimes PA absent; setae dendritic, globose, or pilose; 3 pairs of genital papillae; 7-9 pairs of genital setae; ovipositor, eugenital setae present.  Pretarsus I without lateral claws, empodium small, claw-like; pretarsi II-IV with unequal claws and claw-like empodium; coxae I-IV contiguous; coxae IV apparently modified for jumping.  Gut boluses with fungal hyphae and spores.  Males unknown.


REMARKS.  These mites resemble truncate, globular Terpnacarus and the dorsal setae resemble those on some Nanorchestes.  The single pair of sensilla, paired claws on legs II-IV, and lack of a strongly sclerotised labrum serve to separate Oehserchestes from Nanorchestes; Terpnacarus have paired claws and an empodium on tarsus I and prodorsal seta in.  The gut contents have boluses composed primarily of fungal material.  Coxae IV are modified for jumping.





Kethley JB.  1977.  The status of Hybalicus Berlese, 1913 and Oehserchestes Jacot, 1939 (Acari: Acariformes: Endeostigmata).  Fieldiana Zoology 72(4) 1977: 59-64.

Kethley JB.  1982.  Endeostigmata.  pp. 118-120, In: Parker SP (ed.)  Synopsis and classification of living organisms.  McGraw-Hill, NY.

Kethley JB.  1990.  Acarina: Prostigmata (Actinedida).  pp. 667-756, In: DL Dindal (ed), Soil Biology Guide.  John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

Theron PD.  1974.  Hybalicidae, a new family of endeostigmatic mites (Acari: Trombidiformes).  Acarologia 16: 397-412.