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Tetranychoidea: Linotetranidae

Superorder Acariformes

  Order Trombidiformes

 Suborder Prostigmata

   Supercohort Eleutherengonides

 Cohort  Raphignathina

   Superfamily Tetranychoidea

       Family Linotetranidae


Common names: cryptic false spider mites


Probability of Encounter: Low


Quarantine importance: Low.  The Linotetranidae are associated with soil and grasses around the world.  None are known to be important plant pests.





Similar taxa.  Linotetranids resemble other elongate tetranychoids associated with grasses such as allochaetophorids (which have eyes) and some tenuipalpids (which lack a thumbclaw process and usually have eyes).


Ecology & Distribution.  The Tetranychoidea are plant-associated mites, and includes the infamous spider mites (Tetranychidae).  Tetranychoid species that feed on grasses or pasture legumes may occasionally appear in soil samples.



Baker EW & Pritchard AE.   1953.  The family categories of tetranychoid mites, with a review of the new families Linotetranidae and Tuckerellidae.  Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 46: 243-258.

Beard JJ & Walter DE. 2004.  Cryptic false spider mites: A review of the family Linotetranidae (Acari: Prostigmata: Tetranychoidea) with descriptions of a new genus, Austrolinus, and 2 new species.  Invert. Syst. 18: 593-606.

Krantz GW.  1978.  A Manual of Acarology.  OSU Bookstores: Corvallis.

Meyer, M.K.P.S. & E.A. Ueckermann 1997. A review of some species of the families Allochaetophoridae, Linotetranidae and Tuckerellidae (Acari: Tetranychoidea). International Journal of Acarology 23: 67–92..