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Common names: insects

Probability of encounter: high

Quarantine importance: high. 

Similarity to mites: small size and obscure segmentation in some (e.g. scale insect crawlers).  Insects can usually be distinguished from mites by their antennae, compound eyes, wings, or clear segmentation.

Normal adult length: usually >3 mm (range 0.6 - >100 mm)
Body tagmata: head, thorax, abdomen
Eyes: various - absent, compound, ocelli
Antennae: present, variously formed
Mouthparts: mandible, maxillae, labium, labrum, maxillary and labial palps usually distinct
Legs: 3 thoracic pairs
Distinguishing features: wings (when present); hexapod thorax, head with antennae, compound eyes.

Comments: Insects have a head with antennae (and often compound eyes); a thorax with 3 pairs of legs (and often 1-2 pairs of wings); and an abdomen that usually lacks styli, but may have an ovipositor.

Diversity: lots


Tree of Life - http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Insecta&contgroup=Hexapoda