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Taxonomic Position
Cohort Uropodina
Subcohort Uropodiae
Uropodoidea Kramer
Trachyuropodidae Berlese (including Oplitidae)
Berlese, Urotrachys Berlese [=Leonardiella Berlese], Urojanetia
Berlese, Comydinychus Berlese, Phymatodiscus Berlese,
Capitodiscus Vitzthum, Crinitodiscus Sellnick, Doralophorus
Oplitis Berlese,
Latotutulioplitis Hirschmann,
Trachyuropoda Berlese, Wisniewskiioplitis Hirschmann
Diagnostic characters:
Uropodine mites with a bifurcate pilus dentilis
Often with deep pits in the dorsum (e.g. Trachyuropoda)
Or circular and half-dome shaped (e.g. Oplitis)
Associated with ants
Similar taxa.
Ecology. Most trachyuropodids appear to be associated with ants.
BD. 1981. Uropodine studies. I. Suprageneric classification in the cohort
Uropodina Kramer, 1882 (Acari: Mesostigmata).
International Journal of Acarology 7:47-56.
Athias-Binche, F. and Bloszyk, J. 1988. Australian Uropodina
(Acari : Anactinotrichida). I. Australocilliba
gen. n. (Cillibidae). Journal of the
Australian Entomological Society 27:
F. & Evans, GO. 1981. Observations on the genus Protodinychus
Evans, 1957 (Acari: Mesostigmata) with descriptions of the male and phoretic
deuteronymph. Proc. R. Ir. Acad.
81b: 25-36.
EO and Till WM. 1979. Mesostigmatic mites of Britain and Ireland
(Chelicerata: Acari-Parasitiformes). An
introduction to their external morphology and classification. Transactions of the Zoological Society of
London 35 (2): 145-270.
Gilyarov MS & Bregatova NG (eds). 1977. Handbook for the Identification of Soil-inhabiting Mites, Mesostigmata. Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences: Petrograd [In Russian]
Hirschmann, W. 1976. Adulten-Gruppen und Bestimmungstabelle von 81 Trachyuropoda-Arten (Trachyuropodini, Oplitinae). Gangsyst. Parasitiformes. Schrift. für vergleich.Milbenk. 22: 4-15.
Hunter, J.E. III and M.H. Farrier 1975. Mites of the genus Oplitis Berlese (Acarina: Uropodidae) associated with ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the southeastern United States. Part I. Acarologia 17: 595-623.
Hunter, J.E. III and M.H. Farrier 1976. Mites of the genus Oplitis Berlese (Acarina: Uropodidae) associated with ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the southeastern United States. Part II. Acarologia 18: 20-50.
Johnson, DE. 1961. A review of the lower uropodid mites (former Thinozerconoidea, Protodinychoidea and Trachytoidea) with notes on the classification of the Uropodina (Acarina). Acarologia 3: 522-545.
Karg W. 1989. Acari (Acarina), Milben Unterordnung Parasitiformes (Anactinotrichaeta) Uropodina Kramer, Schildkrötenmilben. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 67: 1-203.
Krantz, GW & Ainscough, B. 1990. Mesostigmata. pp. 583-665, in DL Dindal (ed) Soil Biology Guide. John Wiley & Sons: Brisbane.
Wisniewski, J. and W. Hirschmann 1993. Katalog der Ganggattungen, Untergattungen, Gruppen und Arten die Uropodiden der Erde. Gangsyst. Parasitiformes, Schriften. für vergleich. Milbenkunde Folge 40: 466pp. Hirschmann Verlag, Nürnberg.
Womersley H. 1959. A new species of Urodiscella (Acarina, Uropodidae) from Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum 13: 349-353.
Zirngeibl-Nicol, I. and W. Hirschmann 1973. Stadien von 13 neuen Oplitis-Arten, von Ungarischen Zoologen in Südamerika und Afrika gesammelt (Trachyuropodini,Oplitinae. Gangsyst. Parasitiformes, Schrift. für vergleich. Milbenk. 19: 135-140.