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Taxonomic Position
Cohort Gamasina
Subcohort Dermanyssiae
Superfamily Dermanyssoidea
Laelapidae Trägårdh
Tropilaelaps Delfinado & Baker
Diagnostic characters:
Laelapidae associated with Apis
with dense idiosomal hypertrichy.
Similar taxa. Varroa mites are broader than long and have a separate anal shield and very large metapodal shields. Melittiphis have a well developed sternal keel.
Ecology & Distribution. Tropilaelaps clareae Delfinado & Baker is a parasites of honeybees.
Casanueva ME. 1993. Phylogenetic studies of the free-living arthropod associated Laelapidae (Acari: Mesostigmata). Gayana Zoologica 57: 21-46.
Lekprayoon, C., Wongsiri, S., Jayasvasti, S. and Leepitakrat, S. 1994. Survival of the parasitic honey bee mite Tropilaelaps clareae on adult Apis florea and Apis andreniformis workers. Proceeding IX International Congress of Acarology.