Thrips of New Zealand

Thysanoptera classification

The Thysanoptera comprises a single Order in which the members differ from all other insects in the form of the mouth parts and the tarsal arolium. The mouth parts are asymmetric, with only the left mandible functional in larvae and adults, the right being resorbed in the embryo. The two maxillary stylets are co-adapted to form a single tube through which salivary secretions are pumped out and partially digested cell contents are pumped back into the thrips foregut (Heming, 1993). Larval thrips retain tarsal claws, but these are replaced in adults by an inflatable arolium (Heming, 1971) that functions in a similar way to that of dipterous flies.

Worldwide, about 6150 species of Thysanoptera in about 780 genera are recognized (ThripsWiki 2017). Two sub-orders are recognized, the Terebrantia and the Tubulifera. Eight families are recognized in the Terebrantia, plus a further five families known only from fossils, but only one family in the Tubulifera. In contrast, Bhatti (1994, 2006) has divided the Thysanoptera into two separate Orders and recognized about 40 families. A summary of the available family-level classifications is presented in Mound (2013).


Bhatti JS (1994) Phylogenetic relationships among Thysanoptera (Insecta) with particular reference to the families of the Order Tubulifera. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 93-130.

Bhatti JS (2006) The classification of Terebrantia (Insecta) into families. Oriental Insects 40: 339-375.

Heming BS (1971) Functional morphology of the thysanopteran pretarsus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 49: 91-108.

Heming BS (1993) Structure, function, ontogeny, and evolution of feeding in thrips (Thysanoptera). pp. 3-41 In Schaefer CS & Leschen RAB (eds). Functional Morphology of Insect Feeding. Thomas Say Publications in Entomology. Entomological Society of America. Lanham, MD.

Mound LA (2013) Thysanoptera pp 49-50 in Animal Biodiversity: An Outline of Higher-level Classification and Survey of Taxonomic Richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa 3703 (1): 1–82.

ThripsWiki (2017) ThripsWiki - providing information on the World's thrips. Available from: [accessed 6.vii.2017].