Meso & metanotum
Tergites IV-V
Female tergites VII-IX
Female sternites VI-VII
Male sternites III-V
Both sexes fully winged. Female pale brown; major aaa setae dark; fore wing shaded, pale at base. Head with 2 pairs of ocellar setae; pair I absent; pair III between or behind posterior ocelli. Mouth cone rounded in dorsal view. Antenna 8-segmented; segments III and IV each with a forked sense cone. Pronotum with inner pair of posteroangular setae longer than outer pair, with many sculpture lines. Metanotum reticulate, median setae near anterior margin. Fore wing 1st vein with 2 distal and 1 (or 2) median setae. Tergites without ctenidia; tergite II with 3 lateral marginal setae; III–VI median setae close together; postero-lateral tergal margins with short fringe of microtrichia; lateral sculpturing also bearing fine microtrichia; tergite VIII postero-marginal comb long, fine. Sternites and pleuro-tergites without discal setae.
Male paler than female. Sternites III–V with a small, oval pore plate.
This genus comprises three described species, each of which has a different arrangement of sternal pore plates in males. These are present on three sternites in A. cassiniae, four in A. dolus, and two in A. nothofagi.
Collected originally in flowers of Cassinia vauvilliersi but subsequently found on young flowerless shoots of Olearia solandri in association with old cecidomyiid bud galls (Martin & Mound, 2004).
Known only from New Zealand (NN, SL).
Adelphithrips cassiniae Mound & Palmer
Adelphithrips cassiniae Mound & Palmer, 1981: 163
Martin NA & Mound LA (2004) Host plants for some New Zealand thrips (Thysanoptera: Terebrantia). New Zealand Entomologist 27: 119–123.
Mound LA & Palmer JM (1981) Phylogenetic relationships between some genera of Thripidae (Thysanoptera). Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 153–170.