Both sexes wingless. Variable in colour; some specimens yellow with abdominal segments IX and X and antennal segments II–IX brown; but most specimens dark brown, with apices of tibiae and extreme base of antennal segment III paler; terminal setae of abdomen very dark. Head reticulate, without ocelli. Antennae 9-segmented; sense cone on segment IV forked, that on segment III forked or simple; segment VI divided by a complete transverse suture. Pronotum weakly sculptured; all setae small. Metanotum with 2–5 pairs of posteromarginal setae. Tarsi 2-segmented. Tergites with 3 pairs of setae forming a median transverse line with submedian pores, and posterior margin with a very short (2 microns), broadly lobed craspedum; tergite IX with median dorsal setae stout.
Male similar to female, with 2 pairs of thorn-like setae on tergite IX, sternites III–VII with a transversely oval pore plate.
A. zelandicus is similar in appearance to Apterothrips apteris, but differs most obviously in lacking deeply lobed craspeda on the posterior margins of the sternites. There are 43 species of Anaphothrips known from Australia, out of a total of 81 species worldwide (Mound & Masumoto, 2009). Many of these species have the antennae clearly 9-segmented as in A. zelandicus, others have only 8 segments, but several have an intermediate condition with segment VI bearing a partial and often oblique transverse suture as in A. obscurus.
Anaphothrips species are commonly associated with Poaceae, but most of the available specimens of A. zelandicus were collected from leaf litter, although some specimens were recorded from Salicornia at Nelson. It presumably feeds and breeds on leaves.
Known only from New Zealand (TK / NN, MB, MK, CO, OL / Chatham Islands and Antipodes Islands). Adults have been collected from November to February.
Anaphothrips zelandicus Mound, 1978: 99.
Mound LA (1978) Five new species of Thripidae (Thysanoptera) endemic to New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 5: 615–222.
Mound LA & Walker AK (1982) Terebrantia (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 1: 1–113.