Female apterous or fully winged. Antennae 8-segmented, segments III and IV each with a broadly transverse oval sensorium. Head smaller than pronotum, vertex with pair of long ocellar setae. Pronotum trapezoidal, posterior area with some weak sculpture lines; paired longitudinal sutures laterally, one pair of long posteroangular setae. Mesonotum, metanotum and tergites with faint sculpture lines. Tergite IX median setae longer than sub-median pair; tergite X trichobothria larger than spiracle on tergite VIII, axial seta as long as tergal major setae. Macroptera with large compound eyes; fore wing second vein extending basad from cross vein.
Male apterous, vertex developed as extensive pore plate; antennal sensoria smaller than those of female; fore legs enlarged in large males, with pointed tubercle at inner apex of tibia; mesonotum, metanotum and tergites with several transverse lines of sculpture.
Currently 16 species, including three fossil species, are listed in the genus Merothrips, mostly from the Neotropics (Mound & O'Neill, 1974).
Breeding on dead leaves and dead branches, sometimes in large populations, and presumably feeding on fungal hyphae.
Described from Florida, this species has been recorded widely around the world, including U.S.A. (Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, California) Bermuda, Panama, Trinidad, Colombia, Brazil, Azores, France, Japan, Hawaii, Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, A.C.T., South Australia). It has been found widely in New Zealand (Three Kings Islands / ND, AK, CL, BP / NN, SD, BR).
Merothrips floridensis Watson
Merothrips floridensis Watson, 1927: 60
Merothrips capensis Faure, 1938: 6
Merothrips plaumanni Crawford, 1942: 150
Merothrips xylophilus zur Strassen, 1959: 147
Merothrips priesneri Bournier, 1960: 98
Merothrips zondagi Ward, 1969: 359
Mound LA & O'Neill K (1974) Taxonomy of the Merothripidae, with ecological and phylogenetic considerations (Thysanoptera). Journal of Natural History 8: 481–509.
Mound LA & Walker AK (1982) Terebrantia (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 1: 1–113.