Male & female
Head & thorax
Thoracic sternites
Female tergites VI-VIII
Fore wing
Female sternites
Male sternites and pore plates
Both sexes fully winged. Female brown, fore tibiae, tarsi and antennal segment III paler; fore wings brown. Antennae 7-segmented, III–IV each with small, usually forked, sense cone. Head rather small, wider than long; only 2 pairs of ocellar setae present, pair III very short and anterolateral to ocellar triangle; postocular setae small. Pronotum wider at posterior than anterior margin, with 2 pairs of short posteroangular setae, posterior margin with 5 pairs of setae; prosternal basantra with several setae. Metanotum with linear sculpture forming lens-like shape; campaniform sensilla present, median setae arise behind anterior margin. Mesofurca with spinula. Fore wing first vein with 3 setae on distal half, second vein with about 7 setae; clavus with 5 marginal setae. Tergites with sculpture lines medially on anterior half but not on posterior half; campaniform sensilla posterior to median setae; paired ctenidia present on tergites V–VIII, on VIII posteromesad to spiracle; tergite posterior margins with craspedum of triangular lobes, comb on VIII with slender microtrichia arising from broad bases. Sternites without craspeda, with double row of discal setae.
Male sometimes micropterous. Similar to female but smaller and paler; tergite VIII posterior margin with craspedum of triangular lobes similar to preceding segments; sternites with craspeda of triangular lobes, III–VII with small circular pore plate.
There is only one species in the genus Microcephalothrips, and this shares many character states with the species of Thrips genus, including the abdominal ctenidia that on tergite VIII are posteromesad to the spiracles. However, the prosternum bears several setae, unlike any species of Thrips, and there is a distinctive lobed craspedum on the abdominal tergites.
Breeding in the flowers of various Asteraceae, particularly Ageratum conyzoides, large populations of this thrips sometimes occur in Helianthus sunflowers.
Although collected in New Zealand (AK, CL), this species is known from tropical and subtropical areas around the world.
Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford DL)
Thrips abdominalis Crawford DL, 1910: 157
Thrips femoralis Jones, 1912: 4
Thrips crenatus Watson, 1922: 35
Thrips microcephalus Priesner, 1923: 116
Thrips (Ctenothripiella) gillettei Moulton, 1926: 126
Stylothrips brevipalpis Karny, 1927: 206
Paraphysopus burnsi Girault. 1927: 2
Thrips oklahomae Watson, 1931: 342
Microcephalothrips armatus Ananthakrishnan, 1956: 133
Aureothrips marigoldae Raizada, 1966: 278
Microcephalothrips chinensis Feng, Nan & Guo, 1998: 257
Microcephalothrips jigongshanensis Feng, Nan & Guo, 1998: 258
Hoddle MS, Mound LA, Paris DL. (2012) Thrips of California 2012. CBIT Publishing, Queensland. http://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/v3/thrips_of_california/
Mound LA, Tree DC & Paris D (2012) OzThrips – Thysanoptera in Australia. http://www.ozthrips.org/