Both sexes micropterous. Female with head and tube dark brown; body, antennal segment I and IV–VII paler, II yellow, III yellow with brown markings; tergites II–IX varying in colour from pale to dark brown, base of femora, tarsi, and tibiae paler; apical half of femora yellow. Similar to O. tubulatus in structure, but head longer then wide; ocelli absent; 1 pair of ocellar setae almost as long as postocular setae; pronotal setae shorter, bluntly acute; mesopresternum almost completely eroded; fore wing lobe small, bearing 2 pairs of setae, the posterior setae longest; abdomen with pelta eroded on posterior margin and bearing shorter lateral lobes; tergites II–VII with median pair of setae longer.
Male similar to female, but legs and pronotum more yellow; head more slender, with ocellar setae and median setae on vertex longer; pronotal setae longer, finely acute; epimera with 2 long setae; fore tarsal tooth present; abdominal tergites with longer posteromarginal setae; tergite II with 2 pairs of major setae on posterior margin, the inner pair shorter, and 1 pair of long setae posterolateral to discal pores.
The genus Ozothrips appears to be closely related to Heptathrips and Cleistothrips, and includes five species, all known only from New Zealand. The chaetotaxy of the second abdominal tergite in the males of O. vagus distinguish this species from others in the genus.
Spore-feeding, but known only from the type-specimens that were beaten from a dead palm, Rhopalostylis sativa.
Known only from New Zealand (NN).
Ozothrips vagus Mound & Walker
Ozothrips vagus Mound & Walker, 1986: 38.
Mound LA & Palmer JM (1983) The generic and tribal classification of spore-feeding Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 46: 1–174.
Mound LA & Walker AK (1986) Tubulifera (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 10: 1–140.