Scientific name(s)
Trifolium vesiculosum
- Long growing season, extending into summer.
- Excellent spring/summer dry matter production.
- Responds well to summer rain.
- Ability to suppress summer weed species.
- Deep taproot.
- Highly palatable, bloat safe legume.
- Intolerant of poorly drained or saline soils.
- Poor winter dry matter production.
Plant description
Plant: A self-regenerating temperate annual legume. Growth habit is erect to semi erect with a crown rosette of thick hollow stems reaching one metre in height.
Stems: Smooth, hairless.
Leaves: Trifoliate, with leaflets up to 6 cm long and 3 cm wide, pointed at the tip. Leaflets have a distinct white V-shaped marking.
Flowers: Large up to 10 cm long and 3 cm across. White, developing a pink tinge as they mature.
Pod: Membranous, 2 to 3 seeded
Seed: Reddish brown, ovoid, 1 - 1.2 mm, approximately 800,000 seeds per kilogram. Arrowleaf clover has a high level of hard seed > 80%.
Pasture type and use
Arrowleaf clover is suitable for sheep/beef grazing or hay/silage production. It can be used in permanent pastures, short term pastures or in 1:1 pasture crop rotations. Provides valuable feed over late spring/summer for weaning lambs. Arrowleaf clover can extend the grazing phase beyond traditional sub clover pastures by 4-8 weeks.
Where it grows
Temperate regions receiving greater than 350 mm of annual rainfall.
Requires adequate moist from October to January to perform to its full potential.
Adapted to a range of soil types, moderate to high fertility, pH 5.0 to 7.5.Not suited to saline soils.Will not tolerate poorly drained, wet soils.
Best adapted to a temperature range of 5 - 30ºC. Tolerant of cold winter temperatures, but growth is suppressed.
Companion species
Grasses: Compatible with all temperate grasses such as perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, phalaris and tall fescue.Legumes: sub clover, medics and serradella.Grazing herbs: Compatible with both chicory and plantain.
Sowing/planting rates as single species
3-10 kg/ha*.*ensure seed is treated to reduce hard seed levels.
Sowing/planting rates in mixtures
2-3 kg/ha*.*ensure seed is treated to reduce hard seed levels.
Sowing time
Best sown in early Autumn, when soil moisture is adequate.Can be sown in early to mid spring in areas receiving reliable summer rainfall or under irrigation.
Group C (WSM 1325).
New sowings will require fertiliser to promote early root development and enhance seedling vigour. Major nutrient requirements are phosphorous and potassium. Sulphur and molybdenum may be required in some areas.Soil test results and local knowledge of soil type and fertiliser history should determine rates to be applied.
Maintenance fertliser
Arrowleaf clover is highly responsive to fertiliser, which should be applied regularly. For best performance maintain Olsen soil P level above 25.
Commence grazing when the plants are securely anchored.For newly established pastures plants should not be grazed once flowering has commenced so maximum seed set can be achieved. Must be grazed heavily when seed is mature to remove any residual dry material to ensure optimal regeneration in autumn.Plants are tolerant to heavy grazing over winter.Ideally suited to silage and haymaking. Growth in spring and early summer should be sufficient for two cuts of hay or silage.
Seed production
Prolific seed producer with seed yields of up to 1,400 kg/ha recorded in Western Australia.
Ability to spread
Will regenerate from seed. When grazed by animals, in particular cattle, up to 30% percent of the seed eaten will pass through the digestive tract and still remain viable.
Weed potential
Not regarded as an environmental weed. Can easily be controlled with selective herbicides in cropping areas.
Major pests
Susceptible to attack from redlegged earth mites and lucerne flea particularly in the seedling stage.Bluegreen aphids have caused minor damage to crops in Western Australia.
Major diseases
Susceptible to Phytophthora root rot under waterlogged conditions.Several viruses can affect Arrowleaf clover, the most serious Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus. Resistant to clover scorch.
Herbicide susceptibility
Susceptible to herbicides or mixtures containing bromoxynil, terbutryn, diflufenican and 2,4-D amine.Will tolerate MCPA amine.
Animal production
Feeding value
High quality forage with protein levels as high as 30% measured.Feed nutritive value remains high through to maturity.
Highly palatable legume.
Production potential
Annual production yields of over 10 t DM/ha have been recorded in Tasmania and 9 t DM/ha on the southern slopes of NSW.
Livestock disorders/toxicity
No problems have been reported for stock eating Arrowleaf clover.Considered a "bloat safe" legume.
Cultivar | Seed source/Information |
Arrotas![]() | Tasglobal Seeds |
Cefalu![]() | Plant Tech |
Zulu II | Plant Tech |
Seelu | - |
Zulu | Pasture species database - University of Melbourne |
ZuluMax | Seed Distributors |
Denotes that this variety is protected by Plant Breeder's Rights Australia
Further information
NSW Department of Primary Industries - Arrowleaf clover Primefact 102
University of Melbourne - Pasture species database
Victoria DPI - Arrowleaf clover Agriculture notes AG0576
Plant Breeders Rights - plant database search
WA Department of Agriculture - Cefalu Arrowleaf clover Farmnote 38/2005
Tasglobal Seeds - Arrotas Arrowleaf clover fact sheet
R. B. Thompson NSW DPIContributions from Andrea Hurst (TIAR)
Author and date
Eric Hall
December 2008