Scientific name(s)
Trifolium alexandrinum
- High nutritive value and productive throughout year. Some tolerance of salinity. Free of oestrogen risks
- Poor regeneration; intolerant of heavy frost
Plant description
Plant: Erect, annual with short tap root; grows to 750 mm
Stems: Slender, hollow, branched.
Leaves: plain, trifoliate, slightly hairy on both surfaces; oval leaflets with, near the tip, serrated margins
Flowers: oval/cone shaped, ~2cm diameter, numerous, cream
Pods: contain 1-2 seeds
Seeds: oval, yellow/red-brown; ~350,000/kg
Pasture type and use
A winter-growing, annual capable of excellent early growth in autumn. Suited to seasonal irrigation. A valuable green manure crop.
Where it grows
> 600 mm in winter/spring rainfall zone for dryland use. Mainly used with irrigation. Tolerates water with up to 1000 ppm salt.
Best on neutral to alkaline soil, pH 6-8. Moderately tolerant of water-logging and saline soil. Well suited to deep alluvial soil.
Good heat tolerance; low cold tolerance. The least winter hardy of the cultivated clovers. It should not be grown in areas where winter temperatures commonly go as low as 6°C.
Companion species
Grasses: Italian ryegrass
Legumes: Persian, balansa, arrowleaf clovers
Sowing/planting rates as single species
8-10 kg/ha (10-15 kg/ha if irrigated); sow at 15-20 mm into a clean, finely worked seed bed and roll
Sowing/planting rates in mixtures
3-5 kg/ha
Sowing time
Early autumn
Group B
Apply ~20kg P/ha annually and correct any nutrient deficiencies, especially K, Mo, Cu, S.
Maintenance fertliser
For optimum growth Olsen soil P > 15
More suited to cutting/fodder conservation; quick regrowth and good aftermath - on suitable soils. Rotationally grazing in cool season when 15-20 cm tall; this stimulates tillering. If sown with grass must graze late winter/early spring to allow clover to contribute later. Set residues at 2-3 cm (winter) and 4-5 cm (spring) to avoid over grazing.
Seed production
Ability to spread
Poor recruitment; no hard seed
Weed potential
Low. Seed very susceptible to false breaks.
Major pests
Red legged earthmite, blue-green aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, heliothis, blue oat mite.
Major diseases
Some cultivars susceptible to leaf and stem blight and clover scorch - Pythium, Phytophthora and Kabatialla caulivora
Herbicide susceptibility
Glyphosate. Damaged by most broad-leaf herbicides
Animal production
Feeding value
High; high protein content
Production potential
Good autumn, winter, spring
Livestock disorders/toxicity
Low isoflavone conetent - no risk to breeding livestock. Low risk of bloat.
Group | Cultivar | Seed source/Information |
Early | Bigbee | AusWest Seeds |
Late | Elite II![]() | Seedmark/PlantTech |
Carmel | ||
Multicut | ||
Memphis![]() | AusWest Seeds | |
Alexandria | Seed Distributors |
Denotes that this variety is protected by Plant Breeder's Rights Australia
Further information
University of California - SAREP OnlineIrrigated winter forages in Northern Victoria - Victoria DPI Primefacts - NSW DPI
Departments of Agriculture, Seed companies
Author and date
KFM Reed, July 9th 2008