Common Name
Rosewood; Western Rosewood; Bonaree; Bullock-bush
Tree or shrub to 9m tall. Leaves alternating up the stems, 3.5-14cm long, 4-16mm wide, flat, usually hairy, with straight points. Flowers sometimes small (less than 3mm across), cream to green, calyx cup-shaped with 5-6 teeth at the top, 0 petals, in clusters of about 1-9 flowers on stalks arising from the bases of the leaves or at the ends of the stems. Seeds with a red fleshy appendage.
Description and photo of fruiting bodies (as Heterodendrum oleifolium) in G.M. Cunningham, WE Mulham, PL Milthorpe and J H Leigh (1981 and later printings) Plants of Western New South Wales page 474
PlantNET description: http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Alectryon~oleifolius