Flowers and leaves. Photo: Don Wood, Scotia Sanctuary, NSW |
Plant. Photo: Don Wood, Scotia Sanctuary, NSW |
Common Name
Desert Bindweed
Perennial forb, climber to more than 90cm tall, or prostrate. Leaves alternating along the stems, 0.7-6cm long, 5-30mm wide, flat, sparsely to moderately hairy becoming hairless, entire or with narrow lobes, the edges flat to wavy, often toothed, with rounded tips, often notched, with small straight points. Flowers white to pink, rarely purplish, funnel-shaped, with 5 lobes, solitary or in small groups of 1-3 flowers (sometimes 2 groups of 1-3 flowers arising from the same point) on stalks arising from the bases of the leaves. Vulnerable Vic.
Differs from Convolvulus crispifolius and Convolvulus remotus in that the leaves have a distinct terminal lobe and the basal lobes are much divided.
Differs from Convolvulus microsepalus in that the sepals are 4-7mm in length, with a small point.
PlantNET description:
Description and line drawings in Johnson, R.W. (2001) A taxonomic revision of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae) in Australia. Austrobaileya 6(1): pages 35-37, Figs. 9C,10C page 34, Map 8 page 37
FloraBase photos: