Common Name
Small-flowered Tobacco
Annual forb to 1m tall. Leaves mostly basal, to 20cm long, to 50mm wide, flat, hairless. Flowers white, tubular, with 5 often scalloped lobes, in 'panicles' at the tops of the flowering stems which arise from the base of the plant. Rare Vic.
Difficult to differentiate from Nicotiana suaveolens . Differs from Nicotiana suaveolens in that the basal leaves are almost hairless and the fruiting bodies are distinctly oblong.
Description in G.M. Cunningham, WE Mulham, PL Milthorpe and J H Leigh (1981 and later printings) Plants of Western New South Wales page 583
PlantNET description: http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Nicotiana~goodspeedii
Online fact sheet published by the South Australian Herbarium: http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/efsa/lucid/Solanaceae/Nicotiana%20species/key/Australian%20Nicotiana%20species/Media/Html/Nicotiana_goodspeedii.htm