Flowers and leaves. Photo: Don Wood, Scotia Sanctuary, NSW

Flower bud and flower. Photo: Chris Lindorff, Ned's Corner Station Reserve, Cullulleraine, Vic

Flower bud, seed head, and leaves. Photo: Chris Lindorff, Ned's Corner Station Reserve, Cullulleraine, Vic

Leaf. Photo: Chris Lindorff, Ned's Corner Station Reserve, Cullulleraine, Vic

Plant. Photo: Don Wood, Scotia Sanctuary, NSW

Common Name

Dissected New Holland Daisy




Annual or perennial forb to 35cm tall.  Leaves alternating up the stems, 1.5-2.5cm long, 7-20mm wide, flat, hairy, slightly sticky, lobed, edges occasionally entire, tips blunt.  Flowers white to pale blue or mauve, with many ‘petals’. Flower heads borne singly or in small groups at the tops of the stems.

PlantNET description: