
Material examined
Common Name
Taxonomy Changes
Similar Taxa
Print Fact Sheet

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Fig. 1. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult female - detail of a. claw I on left (and claw III on right); b. claw III; c-d. claw IV.

Fig. 2. Oligonychus plegas adult female paratype - detail of pregenital striae.

Fig. 3. Oligonychus plegas adult female (non-type, Australian) - detail of pregenital striae, and striae on genital flap.

Fig. 4. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult female - detail of peritreme tip (lower images are the same individual; arrows indicate tip).

Fig. 5. Oligonychus plegas adult female (non-type, Australian) - detail of peritreme tip (arrow indicates tip).

Fig. 6. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult female - detail of prodorsal striae.

Fig. 7. Oligonychus plegas adult female (non-type, Australian) - detail of striae and lobes on prodorsum.

Fig. 8. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult female - detail of pattern of striae between setae f1 and f2 (arrow indicates irregular oblique, transverse and longitudinal striae).

Fig. 9. Oligonychus plegas adult female (non-type, Australian) - detail of striae between setae f1 and f2, with irregular oblique, transverse and longitudinal striae.

Fig. 10. Oligonychus plegas adult female (non-type, Australian), detail of irregular striae between setae f1 and f2 (specimen not flat - two different focal points presented).

Fig. 11. Oligonychus plegas holotype adult male - detail of claw I.

Fig. 12. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult male - detail of claw I.

Fig. 13. Oligonychus plegas holotype adult male - detail of claw III.

Fig. 14. Oligonychus plegas holotype adult male - detail of claw IV.

Fig. 15. Oligonychus plegas holotype adult male - detail of peritreme tip (arrow indicates tip).

Fig. 16. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult male - detail of prodorsal striae.

Fig. 17. Oligonychus plegas adult male - detail of holotype and parataype aedeagus (at different focal points).

Fig. 18. Oligonychus plegas adult male holotype - detail of aedeagus at different focal points, from a. upper to f. lower.

Fig. 19. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult male - aedeagus (arrow indicates curved tip).

Fig. 20. Oligonychus plegas paratype adult male - aedeagus (arrows indicate curved tip).

Fig. 21. Oligonychus plegas adult males (non-type, Australia) - detail of aedeagus.

Fig. 22. Oligonychus plegas adult male (non-type, Australian) - detail of aedeagus at different focal points (arrow indicates curved tip).

Fig. 23. Oligonychus plegas adult male (non-type, Australian) - detail of aedeagus at different focal points (arrow indicates curved tip).

Oligonychus plegas Baker & Pritchard 1960

Material examined

types; non-types


Subfamily Tetranychinae

Tribe Tetranychini

Common Name



++Australia, Fiji, *Mauritius, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Reunion, Vanuatu

Taxonomy Changes






Various monocot hosts including: *Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae), Oryza sativa (Poaceae), Panicum maximum (Poaceae), Saccharum sp. (Poaceae), Zea mays (Poaceae)

Similar Taxa

Oligonychus aranaeum Davis 1968

Oligonychus digitatus Davis 1966

Oligonychus velascoi Rimando 1962


*Baker, E.W. and Pritchard, E.A. (1960) Tetranychoid mites of Africa.  Hilgardia 29(11): 455-574

Bolland, H.R., Gutierrez, J. and Helle, W. (1981)  Chromosomes in spider mites (Tetranychidae: Acari).  Acarologia 22(3): 271-275

Bolland, H.R., Gutierrez, J. and Flechtmann, C.H.W. (1998)  World catalogue of the spider mite family (Acari: Tetranychidae).  Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 392 pp.

Gutierrez, J. and Etienne, J. (1986)  Les Tetranychidae de l'ile de la Reunion et quelques-uns de leurs predateurs.  Agronomie Tropicale, Paris 41(1): 84-91

Gutierrez, J. and Schicha, E. (1984)  Phytoseiidae and Tetranychoidea in Fiji and other South Pacific islands (Acari).  International Journal of Entomology 26(4): 386-388

Migeon, A. and Dorkeld, F. (2006-2017) Spider Mites Web: a comprehensive database for the Tetranychidae.

Schicha, E. and Gutierrez, J. (1985)  Phytoseiidae of Papua New Guinea, with three new species, and new records of Tetranychidae (Acari).  International Journal of Acarology 11(3): 173-181


++ Not yet officially recorded in Australia.