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Acanthothrips argentifer

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

This species has not been studied by the present authors. It was described as having reticulate sculpture, apparently similar to that of A. nodicornis , but with two pairs of well-developed setae on the prothoracic epimera of which the inner pair is about half as long as the outer pair.

Related and similar species

The genus Acanthothrips includes 13 species, of which one is Holarctic, five are described from North America, six are from the Neotropics including Mexico, and one is from Japan. Priesner (1964) distinguished this genus from the wordwide genus Hoplandrothrips on the basis that the forewings are parallel sided. Although this is true of A. nodicornis , the forewings of A. albivittatus and A. argentifer are constricted medially at least as much as in some species of Hoplandrothrips. The antennae of A. albivittatus are uniformly dark, whereas the median antennal segments are largely yellow in the other two species recorded from California. Specimens of A. argentifer have not been studied, but this was described as being reticulate like A. nodicornis , although in contrast to that species the females were described as having the fore tarsus "with a very small tooth".

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Acanthothrips argentifer (Cott)

Original name and synonyms

Notothrips argentifer Cott, 1956: 141

Family placement

Phlaeothripidae, Phlaeothripinae

Biological data

Life history

Breeding on dead branches

Host plants

Unidentified fungal hyphae on dead branches of willow (Salix).

Tospoviruses vectored


Crop damage


Distribution data

Area of origin

Presumably North America

