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Bagnalliella mojave

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

This species has not been studied by the present authors, but see Cott, 1956: 91-93.

Related and similar species

Nine species are listed in the genus Bagnalliella. Seven of these are from Yucca plants in southwestern USA and these are clearly closely related to each other in structure. In contrast, the other two (from New Guinea and South Africa) should probably be placed in other genera. Cott (1956) distinguished the three species of Bagnalliella recorded from California on the following basis: B. yuccae has two sensoria on antennal segment III and four on IV; B. mojave Hood has one sensorium on antennal segment III and two on IV; B. desertae Hood has one sensorium on antennal segment III and three (? four) on IV. Despite this, variation in the number of these sensoria within and between populations requires further study.

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Bagnalliella mojave Hood

Original name and synonyms

Bagnalliella mojave Hood, 1927: 200

Family placement

Phlaeothripidae, Phlaeothripinae

Biological data

Life history

Breeding on leaves

Host plants

Yucca brevifolia (Agavaceae).

Tospoviruses vectored


Crop damage


Distribution data

Area of origin

Western USA

