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Frankliniella gossypiana

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

Both sexes fully winged. Body and legs yellow, distal antennal segments brown; forewing pale. Head wider than long; three pairs of ocellar setae present, pair III longer than margin of ocellar triangle, arising just within lateral margins; postocular setae pair I present, pair IV as long as distance between hind ocelli. Antennae 8-segmented; III � IV with sensorium forked; segment VIII almost twice as long as VII. Pronotum with five pairs of major setae; anteromarginal setae almost as long as anteroangulars; one pair of minor setae present medially between posteromarginal submedian setae. Metanotum with two pairs of setae at anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing with two complete rows of veinal setae. Abdominal tergites V � VIII with paired ctenidia, anterolateral to spiracle on VIII; posteromarginal comb on VIII with long, regular, microtrichia. Sternites III � VII without discal setae, except sternite II with one or two long discal setae medially. Male smaller; tergite VIII with complete comb; sternite II with one or two discal setae medially, III � VII with small oval glandular area, sternite VII with toothed craspedum on posterior margin.

Related and similar species

F. gossypiana is similar in color and structure to F. williamsi , the common species on Zea mays, but has a more slender head, and the setae on the ninth abdominal tergite are shorter.

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Frankliniella gossypiana Hood

Original name and synonyms

Euthrips gossypii Morgan, 1913: 9
Frankliniella gossypiana Hood, 1936: 68

[Hood provided F. gossypiana as a replacement name for that used by Morgan, because of the prior existence in Japan of the name E. gossypii Shiraki]

Family placement

Thripidae, Thripinae

Biological data

Life history

Presumably breeding in flowers; adults are recorded sheltering under the webbing of spider mites on leaves (Mound & Marullo, 1996).

Host plants

Various flowers, including Ipomoea species (Convolvulaceae)

Tospoviruses vectored


Crop damage

None recorded

Distribution data

Area of origin

Possibly Mexico


California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Mexico, Costa Rica.