Print Fact SheetAnkothrips notabilis

Distinguishing features

Both sexes fully winged. Body largely brown but with prominent transverse yellow band across head, also pronotum and apices of femora and bases of tibiae yellow; antennal segments IV–IX light brown, I–III paler; fore wings weakly shaded with apex darker. Antennae 9-segmented, IX longer than VIII, sensoria transverse on III & IV, segment II apex prolonged ventro-laterally into non-serrate lobe. Head with ocellar setae I arising on slightly bifurcate tubercle with almost parallel sides, setae III arise within ocellar triangle. Head with 3 pairs of long postocular setae. Pronotum posterior margin with 7–8 pairs of long setae, one posteroangular pair at least twice as long as discal setae. Mesonotum with microtrichia on sculptures lines of posterior half. Metanotum medially with sculpture almost linear and bearing microtrichia, median setae near posterior margin. Abdominal tergite VIII median setae more than 0.5 as long as tergite; tergite X with paired trichobothria well developed. Sternite VII posterior margin with pair of lobes each bearing two setae at base.
Male tergite IX with about eight pairs of stout thorn-like setae medially.

Related species

This species is distinguished by the transverse yellow band across the dorsal surface of the head, and by the group of about eight stout setae on tergite IX of males. Currently there are 13 species listed in the genus Ankothrips, seven of which are from western USA with five from California (Bailey, 1957). Of the others, one is from SW Africa, one from Iran, and four from southern or eastern Europe. Although at one time considered members of the Aeolothripidae, all females of Melanthripidae have a pair of lobes at the posterior margin of sternite VII, a condition that is otherwise found only in females of Merothripidae.

Biological data

Breeding in flowers, and reported to be associated with the flowers of Umbellularia californica [Lauraceae] in spring (Bailey, 1957), but also taken from the flowers of various other plants.

Distribution data

Known only from California.

Family name


Species name

Ankothrips notabilis Bailey 

Original name and synonyms

Ankothrips notabilis Bailey, 1940: 102


Bailey SF (1940) A review of the genus Ankothrips D.L.Crawford (Thysanoptera). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 16: 97–106.

Bailey SF (1957) The thrips of California Part I: Suborder Terebrantia. Bulletin of California Insect Survey 4: 143–220.