Print Fact SheetLeptothrips heliomanes

Distinguishing features

This species is very similar in structure to Leptothrips mali, but in contrast to that species there are usually no duplicated cilia on the fore wing, and the pronotum has more strongly pronounced sculptured striae. Mound & O'Donnell (2017) suggest that heliomanes is a Western form of mali, but its validity as a separate species remains doubtful. 

Related species

The genus Leptothrips is related to Haplothrips, but the metanotal sculpture is closely striate not reticulate, and larvae and adults usually have extensive purple internal pigment. Currently, 30 species are listed under Leptothrips, all from the Americas. Johansen (1987) described 22 new species in the genus, with 11 Leptothrips recorded from California. However, Mound & O'Donnell (2017) placed nine species into synonymy and recognised only 15 Leptothrips species from North America of which nine are reported from California. L. heliomanes is one of the mali-complex, in which females lack a fore tarsal tooth, and the pronotum bears strong transverse sulptured striae.

Biological data

 A large population was taken in grasses in association with numerous mites, near Riverside, California (Mound & O'Donnell, 2017).

Distribution data

Recorded from California, and Texas.

Family name


Species name

Leptothrips heliomanes Hood

Original name and synonyms

Leptothrips heliomanes Hood, 1927: 202


Johansen RM (1987) El genero Leptothrips Hood, 1909 (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) en el continente Americano: su sistematica, filogenia, biogeografia, biologia, conducta y ecologia. Monografias del Instituto de Biologia. Universidad Nacional de Mexico 3: 1–246.

Mound LA & O’Donnell CA (2017) Predation, phytophagy and character state confusion among North American species of the genus Leptothrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripinae). Zootaxa 4294 (3): 301–315.