Print Fact SheetOdontothrips loti

Distinguishing features

Both sexes fully winged. Body and legs dark brown, tarsi paler, antennal segment III yellow, IV light brown; fore wings brown with sub-basal white band. Antennae 8-segmented; segments III & IV constricted to apex, each with forked sense cone; segment VI sense cone with enlarged oval base. Head wider than long; three pairs of ocellar setae present, pair III as long as distance between compound eyes, arising on or just outside anterior margins of ocellar triangle. Pronotum with two pairs of long posteroangular setae. Fore tibial apex ventrally with small claw near outer margin, also seta-bearing tubercle near inner margin. Metanotum weakly reticulate; median setae long, arising at anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Fore wing first vein with setal row variable, commonly with small sub-apical gap; setal row complete on second vein. Abdominal tergites with no sculpture medially; tergite VIII with posteromarginal comb broadly interrupted medially, with long slender microtrichia laterally; ctenidium not developed, but anterolateral to spiracle is a small group of microtrichia. Sternites without discal setae.
Male smaller than female; tergite IX with pair of small stout setae posterolaterally; sternites without pore plates; extruded genitalia bearing two stout spines each arising from an elongate trachea-like structure.

Related species

The genus Odontothrips currently includes 32 species, and these are found widely across the northern areas of Eurasia. However, only O. pictipennis is native to North America and is reported from eastern USA (Pitkin, 1972). Species of Odontothrips breed only in the flowers of Fabaceae, with the exception of O. pictipennis.

Biological data

Breeding in flowers of various Fabaceae, including Lotus, Genista, Lupinus, Trifolium.

Distribution data

A European species that is widespread in the northern parts of that continent and extends across to northern China. However, it is apparently less common in southern Europe. Presumably introduced to the USA, it is recorded from Virginia, Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and California.

Family name


Species name

Odontothrips loti (Haliday)

Original name and synonyms

Thrips loti Haliday, 1852: 1108
Euthrips ulicis californicus Moulton, 1907: 44
Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall, 1919: 262
Odontothrips fasciata Priesner, 1926: 228
Odontothrips anthyllidis Bagnall, 1928: 96
Odontothrips brevipes Bagnall, 1934: 489
Odontothrips quadrimanus Bagnall, 1934: 60
Odontothrips thoracicus Bagnall, 1934: 59.


Pitkin BR (1972) A revision of the flower-living genus Odontothrips Amyot & Serville. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology) 26: 371–402.