Print Fact SheetPseudanaphothrips achaetus

Distinguishing features

Both sexes fully winged. Body brown (sometimes yellow), tarsi, fore tibiae and antennal segment III paler; fore wings light brown with base paler. Antennae 8-segmented; segments III & IV each with a small forked sense cone. Head wider than long; three pairs of ocellar setae present, pair III small and arising between hind ocelli. Pronotum with no long setae; posterior margin with seven pairs of setae. Metanotal sculpture lines converging posteromedially; median setae arise at anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present or absent. Fore wing first and second veins each with setal row complete. Abdominal tergites without craspeda, with sparse rows of microtrichia laterally on lines of sculpture; tergite VIII with pair of ill-defined ctenidia anterolateral to spiracle; posteromarginal comb on VIII comprising several long microtrichia medially and smaller triangular teeth laterally. Sternites without discal setae.
Male smaller and paler than female; sternites III–VII with transverse pore plate; sternite VIII with craspedum of long slender microtrichia on triangular bases, craspeda weaker on anterior sternites.

Related species

The genus Pseudanaphothrips includes about 10 species, almost all from Australia although a few specimens have been seen from Taiwan and from Java. In contrast to the other members of the genus, P. achaetus has no long pronotal posteroangular setae. It is a variable species, with the body color varying from dark brown to almost yellow. The metanotal campaniform sensilla are present in most Australian populations, but are absent in populations from the southern parts of Western Australia. 

Biological data

In Australia, this species breeds in the flowers of various native and introduced plant species from a wide range of families, with no obvious specificity.

Distribution data

Originally from Australia, where it is widespread, but recorded from Hawaii, California and New Zealand (Mound et al., 2017).

Family name


Species name

Pseudanaphothrips achaetus (Bagnall)

Original name and synonyms

Pseudothrips achaetus Bagnall, 1916: 398


Mound LA, Matsunaga J, Bushe B, Hoddle MS & Wells A (2017) Adventive Thysanoptera Species on the Hawaiian Islands: New Records and Putative Host Associations. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 49: 17–28.