Nomenclature :
Aleurodicus dugesii Cockerell, 1896: 302.
Aleurodicus poriferus Sampson & Drews, 1941: 149 syn. nov. [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa].
Distribution: Afrotropical: Canary Islands; Australasian: Hawaii [Kumashiro, Hawaii State Agriculture]; Nearctic: United States- Az, Ca, FL, La, Tx)[Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-FDACS Internet]; Neotropical: Belize [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 22], Guatamala, Mexico [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 22][Sampson & Drews, 1941: 149][Cockerell, T. D.1896: 302][NHM, London], Nicaragua [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 22], Venezuela [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 22][Arnal, 2000].
Host: Anacardiaceae: Mangifera indica; Annonaceae: Annona sp. [Sampson & Drews 1941: 147]; Apocynaceae: Plumeria sp. [Kumashiro, 2004 email message]; Araceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Spathyphyllum floribundum; Araliaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Aralia sp; Asteraceae: Baccharis trinervis [Caballero, 1992: 64]; Begoniaceae: Begonia sp. [Evans, G. et al 2006] [Sampson & Drews 1941: 147]; Burseraceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Bursera simaruba; Cannaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Canna sp.; Ceneopodiaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Chenopodium ambrosioides Chrysobalanaceae: Chrysobalanus icaco [Sampson 1944: 443]; Cucurbitae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Cucurbita sp.; Euphorbiaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Acalypha wilkesiana, Chamaesyce hypericifolia; Geraniaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Geranium sp.; Juglandaceae: Carya pecan; Labiatae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Coleus scutellarioides, Salvia elegans; Liliaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Hemerocallis sp.; Lauraceae: Cinnamomum sp. [Kumashiro, 2004 email message] Persea americana [Caballero, 1992: 64] [Kumashiro, 2004 email message]; Malvaceae: Gossypium hirsutum [Caballero, 1992: 64], Hibiscus sp. [Kumashiro, 2004 email message], Hibiscus rosa-sinensis [Evans, G. et al 2006] [Cockerell, 1896: 302] & Hibiscus syriacus [Evans, G. et al 2006], H. tiliaceus [Kumashiro, 2004 email message]; Thespesia populnea [Kumashiro, 2004 email message]; Moraceae: Morus [Sampson 1944: 443]; Musaceae: Heliconia sp.; Myrtaceae: Psidium guajave [Kumashiro, 2004 email message] [Caballero, 1992: 64]; Rutaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Citrus sp.; Sapotaceae: Bumelia laetivireus [Evans, G. et al 2006]: [Sampson & Drews, 1941: 147]; Solanaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Capsicum annuum; Turneraceae:Turnera ulmifolia [Kumashiro, 2004 email message]; Ulmaceae[Evans, G. et al 2006]: Trema micranthum; Verbenaceae: Citharexylum spinosum [Kumashiro, 2004 email message] , Clerodendrum sp.; Viscaceae [Evans, G. et al 2006]: Phorandendron leucarpum
Taxonomy [Caballero, 1992: 61-62][Julia Baker, 1937][Quaintance & Baker, 1913]: Pupal case ovoid or subelliptical in shape.
7 pairs of compound pores with the posterior two abdominal pairs reduced & bell-shaped; with or without long central processes in larger compound pores.
Double-rimmed pores (with faint inner rim) scarcely scattered on submargin, not septate and widely spaced; submarginal wide band of wide-rimmed pores present.
Lingula wider than the diameter of the anterior abdominal compound pores; usually overlapping the posterior margin of the pupal case.
Natural Enemies: [Biocontrol News and Information, see table 4][Caballero, 1992][Polaszek, A. , 1991] [ Zolnerowich and Rose. 1996][CDFA Biocontrol][UCDavis IPM]: Delphastus catalinae (Horn) ( Coleoptera, Coccinellidae); Encarsiella noyesi Hayat, Encarsiella sp, Idioporus affinis [LaSalle et Al 1997][Kumashiro, 2004 email message]; Dirphys sp (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae); Entedononecremnus krauteri Zolnerwich and Rose [Hymenoptera, Eulophidae].
Related Genera: There was a question whether Aleurodicus poriferus [Sampson & Drews] was a synonym of Aleurodicus dugesii . Please refer to Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 22. Probably the second most important pest in the Aleurodicinae.