Aleurodicus inversus sp. nov.
Nomenclature [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23]:
Aleurodicus inversus sp. nov.
Biology [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23]: Pupal case densely covered by wax dorsally with each large compound pore secreting a long glassy filament.
Distribution: Neotropical: Belize [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23].
Host: Bignoniaceae: Stizophyllum riparium [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23][NHM, London]; Combretaceae: Combretum cacoucia [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23]; Sapindaceae: Paullinia pinnatas [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23].
Taxonomy[Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 23]: Margin smooth and often downcurled to slightly deflexed.
Seven pairs of compound pores present with cephalic pair (30-35 μm each in outer diameter), first abdominal pair (up to 50 μm each) to fourth pair (up to 40 μm each), and the posterior two pairs reduced (10-18 μm); central processes of large compound pores short, dagger-shaped, and apically curved.
A marginal single row of small wide-rimmed simple pores present; submarginal and subdorsal zone with a dense number of slightly larger wide-rimmed simple pores present; uneven submarginal row of large septate double-rimmed pores (up to 18 μm in diameter).
Vasiform orifice chordate-rounded with a pair of posterior setae and covered by a trapezoid-shaped operculum; lingula large with two pair of setae and exserted slightly past the posterior margin of the pupal case;
12 pairs of submarginal setae; a pair of marginal setae; and, submedian single pair of setae present on cephalothorax, mesothorax, metathorax, Abdominal segments one and eight each.
Natural Enemies: unknown
Related Genera [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 24]: Close relative of Aleurodicus dugesii Cockerell but differs with the presence of:
a dense number of slightly larger wide-rimmed simple pores on the subdorsum as well as the submargin (encompassing compound pores 1-4.
pronounced lobulate inner margin of the above zone.
of large septate double-rimmed pores mesal to abdominal compound pores 1-4.