Aleurodicus magnificus Costa Lima 


Aleurodicus magnificus  Costa Lima, 1928: 129-131

Biology:  Secretes a dense, woolly, coarse strands of wax.  Pupae normally aligned along midrib of leaf.

Distribution: Neotropical: Belize [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 24][S.E.L.], Brazil  [Costa Lima, 1928: 131][S.E.L.], Panama [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 24].

Host:  Rutaceae:  Citrus sp. [Costa Lima, 1928: 131].

Taxonomy:  Margin not dentate. 

Pupal case has 7 pairs of compound pores with the caudal 2 abdominal compound pores smaller than the anterior abdominal ones;  anterior 4 abdominal pairs of compound pores exceptionally large (more than 50 μm),   wider than lingula. 

Lingula narrowly acuminate and terminates short of and does not overlap the posterior puparial margin.

Submarginal and septate double-rimmed pores present  within a narrow submarginal band of wide-rimmed pores; septate pores numerous in transverse segmental bands.

Natural Enemies: Unknown.

Related genera:  Similar to Aleurodicus neglectus Quaintance & Baker with both having the diameter of the anterior 4 pairs of abdominal compound pores wider than lingula;  wide-rimmed pores minute; and, septate pores numerous in transverse segmental bands.  Separated by having a double-rimmed pores present in 2 irregular rows.   Separated from Aleurodicus araujoi  Sampson & Drews,  A. dugesii Cockerell characterized by the lingula wider than the 4 pair of anterior abdominal compound pores and with  double-rimmed pores  closer to the compound pores than the margin.

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