Aleurodicus maritimus Hempel
Nomenclature :
Aleurodicus maritimus Hempel, A. 1923: 1160-1161.
Aleurodicus linguosus Bondar, 1923: 76-78; synonym by Mound & Halsey, 1978. Key [Caballero, 1992].
Distribution: Nearctic: Mexico [Sampson & Drews, 1941: 149][S.E.L.]; Neotropical : Belize [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 25], Brazil [Hempel, 1923: 1161][S.E.L.], Colombia [S.E.L.], Ecuador [S.E.L.], Guyana [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 25], Nicaragua [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 25], Panama [S.E.L.], Peru [S.E.L.], Surinam [Martin, 2004 Zootaxa: 25], Trinidad [NHM, London][S.E.L.], Venezuela [Arnal et al: 1993] .
Chrysobalanaceae: Licania (Moquilea) tomentosa
[Bondar, 1923: 77]; Clusiaceae: [Bondar, 1923: 78] Vismia brasiliensis
[Bondar, 1923: 78]; Euphorbiaceae: Delechampia tiliifolia [Arnal et al:
Fabaceae: Cajanus cajan
Taxonomy: Margin not dentate.
Pupal case with 7 pairs of compound pores with caudal 2 abdominal compound pores different from the other abdominal compound pores.
Septate submarginal double-rimmed pores present with diameter of (30-35 μm), irregularly aligned and spaced; dorsal septate disc pores large, up to 15 μm in diameter; simple discoidal pores in a narrow band of 3 to 5 pores wide between margin and double-rimmed pores.
Lingula tongue-shaped and reaches or overlaps posterior puparial margin.
Natural Enemies [Kairo et al, 2001][Polaszek & Hayat, 1992][Biocontrol News and Information, see table 2]: Dirphys sp., Encarsia guadeloupae , E. sp. nr. meritoria Gahan, & Encarsiella noyesi Hayat (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae); Metaphycus sp. (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae).
Related genera: Nakahara considered Aleurodicus linguosus Bondar a separate species based on morphological differences [Caballero, 1992].