Aleuronudus induratus  Hempel 

Nomenclature:   [Costa Lima, 1928: 137]

Aleuronudus induratus  Hempel  [Costa Lima, 1928: 137].

Pentaleurodicus induratus  (Hempel) [Bondar, 1923: 93].

Biology [Hempel, 1922: 6 in Portuguese]: Puparia widely oval, light brown and slightly elevated.

Taxonomy [Hempel, 1922: 6 in Portuguese]:

All compound pores subequal in size  (19 microns in diameter for the remaining 3 posterior compound pores compared to 25 μm for the other compound pores) with none of the pores offset, but the caudal three abdominal pores cylindrical in shape.

Cephalic submedian setae absent.

Operculum transversely rectangular with the posterior angles rounded; Lingula spatulate & inserted.

Distribution:  Neotropical: Brazil [Hempel, 1922: 6].

Host:   Arecaceae: Cocos nucifera [Hempel, 1922: 6].

Natural Enemies: Unknown.

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