Genus Aleurocerus Bondar


Aleurocerus   Bondar [Russell 1986: 141] [Bondar 1923: 102, 156] [Sampson & Drews 1940: 90; 1957: 692] [Sampson 1943: 199, 218;  1947: 49]

Uraleyrodes Sampson & Drews [Sampson & Drews 1941: 180] [Sampson 1943: 178, 220]

Biology [Martin 2005: 8] [Russell 1986: 143] [Sampson & Drews 1941:  180] [Bondar 1923: 156] : Puparia gregarious;  shape oval to broadly oval. Pupal margin with  a fringe of white, waxy filaments extending outward; waxy ribbons arising from the dorsum.  Dorsum somewhat convex;  pupal case brown or black with margin varying from yellowish to dark color.

Distribution [Sampson & Drews 1941:  180] [Bondar 1923: 156] [Bondar 1923: 156] Nearctic & Neotropical.

Taxonomy [Martin 2005: 9] [Sampson & Drews 1941:  180] [Bondar 1923: 156] [Bondar 1923: 156] The presence of the bifurcate, bifid (hornlike),  process overlaying the vasiform orifice,  separates this genus from all others.   However, this process may be broken off during the mounting process.   

Pupal margin dentate from reddish, yellowish to black in color.  Anterior & posterior setae present.  Submargin separated from dorsal disk with a pronounced subdorsal furrow with submarginal ridges & furrows from weak to pronounced.   Submarginal glands present or absent, when present appearing as a 2nd row of teeth.

Rachis present on abdominal segments I-VIII with spinules present.  Caudal furrow and caudal ridges absent.  Weak submedian depressions weak.

Natural EnemiesUnknown.

Related genera [Bondar 1923: 156] :  The presence of the bifurcate process separates this genus from all others.  However, this process may be broken off during the mounting process.     

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Aleurocerus ceriferus Sampson & Drews


Aleurocerus ceriferus Sampson & Drews [Martin 2005: 9]

Aleurocerus ceriferus Sampson & Drews  [Russell 1986: 151]

 Aleurocerus ceriferus (Sampson & Drews) Mound & Halsey 1978

Uraleurocerus ceriferus Sampson & Drews, 1941: 180-181 [Sampson 1943: 220]

DISTRIBUTION: Nearctic: Belize  [Martin 2005:9],  Costa Rica [Martin 2005:9] [SEL] , Honduras [Martin 2005:9] [SEL] ,  Mexico [Martin 2005:9] [Sampson 1943: 220] [SEL] ,  Panama [Martin 2005:9] [SEL]

HOST [Corbett: 1935: 825]  : PiperaceaePiper [Martin 2005:9];  Indet [Sampson & Drews, 1941: 180]

Aleurocerus chiclensis Russell

NOMENCLATURE [Martin 2005:9] [Russell 1986: 154] :

Aleurocerus chiclensis Russell, 1986: 154-157

DISTRIBUTION : Nearctic: Mexico [Martin 2005:9] [Russell 1986: 154];  Neotropical:  Belize [Martin 2005:9]

HOST [Russell 1986: 157] : Sapotaceae: Manilkara zapota (At Brownsville in Quarantine)

Aleurocerus coccolobae Russell

NOMENCLATURE  [Russell 1986: 157] :

Aleurocerus coccolobae Russell

DISTRIBUTION  [Russell 1986: 157] :  Neotropical: Colombia

HOST:  Polygonaceae:  Coccoloba padiformis

Aleurocerus colombiae  Russell

NOMENCLATURE  [Russell 1986: 159] :

Aleurocerus coccolobae Russell

DISTRIBUTION [Russell 1986: 162] :  Neotropical: Colombia

HOST [Russell 1986: 159] :  Araceae:   Diffenbacchia sp. 

Aleurocerus flavomarginatus  Bondar


Aleurocerus flavomarginatus Bondar, 1923: 161-161 [Russell 1986: 162]

Aleurocerus spp. [Mound & Halsey 1978: 27]

DISTRIBUTION : Neotropical:  Brazil [Russell 1986: 165] [SEL] ,  Ecuador [SEL] ,  Trinidad [Russell 1986: 165] [SEL] , Venezuela [SEL]

HOST [Russell 1986: 165] : Indet.;   Arecaceae:  Cocos sp.;   Musaceae:  Musa  sp.

Aleurocerus luxuriosus  Bondar


Aleurocerus luxuriosus Bondar, 1923: 157-159 [Russell 1986: 162] [Costa Lima 1928: 100;  1936: 151] [Drews & Sampson 1940: 90] [Sampson 1943: 213] ] [Silva etal 1968: 112]

Aleurocerus spp. [Mound & Halsey 1978: 27]

DISTRIBUTION [Russell 1986: 168] : Neotropical:  Brazil

HOST:  Chrysobalanaceae:  Licania tomentosa [Bondar, 1923: 158] ;  Myrtaceae:  Indet. [Bondar, 1923: 158]

Aleurocerus musae  Russell

NOMENCLATURE [Russell 1986: 169] :

Aleurocerus musae  Russell 

DISTRIBUTION: Neotropical:  Guatemala  [Russell 1986: 171] [SEL] ,  Mexico [SEL]

HOST [Russell 1986: 171] : Musaceae:  Musa sapientum

Aleurocerus palmae  Russell

NOMENCLATURE [Martin 2005:9][Russell 1986: 172] :

Aleurocerus palmae Russell

DISTRIBUTION : Neotropical:  Belize [Martin 2005:9][Russell 1986:175] , Colombia [Russell 1986:175] , Costa Rica [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Ecuador [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Guatemala [Martin 2005:9] [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Honduras [Martin 2005:9] [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Mexico [Martin 2005:9] [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Nicaragua [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Panama canal zone [Russell 1986:175] [SEL] , Peru [SEL];  Palaearctic:  from Madeira in quarantine at UK via Netherlands [Martin 2005:9], not yet established.

HOST [Russell 1986: 165] : Indet.;  Araceae: Philodendron;  Arecaceae: Chamadorea elegans, C. glaucifolia,  C. oblongata, C.tepejilote,  Chamadorea sp., Cocos plumosa,  Cocos sp., Kentia (Howea) sp., Phoenix roebelenii;   Bromeliaceae:  Tillandsia sp.;  Moraceae:   Artocarpus sp.;   Musaceae:  Musa sp.;  Orchidaceae:  Epidendrum alatem, E. cochleatum,  Epidendrum sp.,  Oncidium ornithorhynchum, Oncidium sp..

Aleurocerus petiolicola  Russell


Aleurocerus petiolicola Russell, 1986: 176

DISTRIBUTION [Russell 1986: 179] : Neotropical:  Costa Rica, Panama

HOST [Russell 1986: 179] : Araceae:  Philodendron sp.;   Marantaceae:  Stromanthe lutea

Aleurocerus tumidosus  Bondar

NOMENCLATURE [Russell 1986: 179]

Aleurocerus tumidosus  Bondar [Bondar 1923: 159-161] [Costa Lima 1928(27): 100, 136:151] [Silva et al 1968: 112]

DISTRIBUTION [Russell 1986: 180] :  Neotropical:  Brazil

HOST [Russell 1986: 180] : Dilleniaceae:  Davilla rugosa