Genus: Disiphon
Nomenclature [Martin 2005: 28-30]:
Disiphon Russell 1993: 463-467
Biology: Cuticle pale.
Distribution: Neotropical.
Taxonomy: Margin dentate. Anterior & posterior marginal setae present. Submargin not separated from the dorsal disk. Siphon like glands on the dorsum of two different shapes. A weak submedian ridge on the thorax and anterior part of the abdomen. Submedian cephalic, mesothoracic, metathoracic , A8, and caudal pairs of setae present. Vasiform orifice subcircular to cordate, operculum obscuring lingula, and the caudal furrow lacking.
Natural Enemies: Unknown
Disiphon dubienus (Bondar NOMENCLATURE:
DISTRIBUTION: Neotropical: Brazil [Bondar 1923: 127-179] HOST: Myrtaceae: Psidium guajava [Martin 2005: 30] [Russell 1993: 45] [Bondar 1923: 179] Note: D. dubienus has shorter siphon tubes. |
Disiphon russellae sp. nov. NOMENCLATURE:
DISTRIBUTION [Martin 2005: 32] : Neotropical: Belize HOST [Martin 2005: 32] : Lauraceae: Nectandra ?colorata; Piperaceae: Piper sp. ; Rubiaceae: Chioccoca ?alba Note: D. russellae has elongated siphon tubes. |