Genus: Massilieurodes Goux 1939
Nomenclature [Jensen 2001] [Martin, 1999: 66-67] [Jensen, 1999] :
Dialeurodes Quaintance & Baker, 1914: 97
Aleyrodes (Dialeurodes) Cockerell, 1902: 283
Biology [Jensen 2001] [Martin, 1999: 66] [Jensen, 1999] : Puparia normally pale, sometimes variously pigmented, rarely black or brown shape is oval to round the most speciose genus with more than 140 taxa described. A cladistic appraisal of the Dialeurodes group has been published by Jensen comparing 40 species and an undescribed species found in Florida specific to Schefflera.
Distribution [Jensen 2001] [Martin, 1999: 66-67] [Jensen, 1999]: Unusual but natural distribution in northern temperate and subtropical areas including Europe, USA, India, Japan, and Taiwan
Taxonomy [Jensen 2001: 292] [Martin, 1999: 66] : Front of head not delineated by a short subdorsal suture; vasiform orifice with faint toothlike ridges radiating into orifice.
Ventral thoracic tracheal folds/furrows almost always smooth or with only a few near the margin.
13 to 15 submarginal setae present with the posterior pair (usually the 14th pair) usually situated on caudal ridges between caudal setae & vasiform orifice; the caudal furrow lined with transverse rows of nodules; or, if the posterior pair (usually the 14th pair) laterad of caudal ridges, then caudal furrow wider than vasiform orifice anteriorly and lined with many rows of small nodules.
Fore & midlegs closely appressed; lateral margin of legs ornamented almost always with scattered spinules.
Natural Enemies: See species list below or click here for link.
Massilieurodes alabamenis Jensen NOMENCLATURE :
DISTRIBUTION: Nearctic: USA (Alabama) HOST [Jensen 1999, 2001: 301] [Martin 2000: 432] : Rosaceae: Prunus spp. |
Massilieurodes americanus Jensen NOMENCLATURE :
DISTRIBUTION: [Jensen 2001: 294-295] : Nearctic: USA (Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachussetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington DC, Washington) HOST [Jensen 2001: 294-295] : Polyphagous (see Jensen, 2001: 298-300) |
Massilieurodes chittendeni (Laing) comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE :
DISTRIBUTION: Nearctic: USA (Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington DC, Washington State); Palaearctic [Martin 2000: 432] : Most European countries including Belgium, Czeck Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland HOST [Jensen 1999, 2001: 301] [Martin 2000: 432] : Ericaceae: Rhododendron sp. NATURAL ENEMIES [Fulmek 1943] : Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae: Encarsia formosa Gahan |
Massilieurodes curiosa Jensen NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes curiosa Jensen 2001: 301-303 DISTRIBUTION [Jensen, 2001: 301-303] : Nearctic:USA (Florida & Washington, DC) HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Caprifoliaceae: Viburnum obovatum ; Ericaceae: Lyonia lucida ; Rubiaceae: Jasminum |
Massilieurodes euryae Takahashi comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE :
DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1940] : Oriental:Taiwan HOST [Takahashi 1940] : Theaceae: Eurya glaberrima. |
Massilieurodes fici Takahashi comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE :
DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1940] : Oriental:Taiwan HOST [Takahashi 1940] : Euphorbiaceae [Huang & Polaszek 1998]: Bischofia javanica; Glochidion hongkongensis; Moraceae: Ficus vasculosa; Myrsinaceae: Ardisia sp.; Rutaceae: Citrus sinensis, Zanthoxylum ailanthoides; Theaceae: Adinandra sp.; Ulmaceae: Celtis sinensis NATURAL ENEMIES [Hernandez et al, 2003] : Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae: Encarsia azimi Hayat 1989, E. ancistrocera Huang & Polaszek, E. inaron (Walker) 1839, E. lutea (Masi) 1909, E. perflava Hayat 1989 |
Massilieurodes ficicola Takahashi comb. n. NOMENCLATURE :
DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1935] : Oriental:Taiwan HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Moraceae: Ficus rigida, F. vasculosa NATURAL ENEMIES [Hernandez et al, 2003] : Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae: Encarsia perflava Hayat 1989 |
Massilieurodes formosensis (Takahashi) comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes formosensis (Takahashi) 1933 comb. nov. [Jensen, 2001: 302]
DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1935] : Oriental: Taiwan; Palaearctic:India HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Aquilifoliaceae: Ilex crenata [Takahashi & Mamet 1958]; Caprifoliaceae: Viburnum sp. [Takahashi & Mamet 1958]; Euphorbiaceae: Homonoia riparia ; Fabaceae: Cassia [Dubey et al. 2004]; Magnoliaceae [Takahashi & Mamet 1958]: Magnolia compressa, M. kobus; Oleaceae [Takahashi & Mamet 1958] Fraxinus; : Rutaceae [Takahashi & Mamet 1958]: Phellodendron amurse; Stryraceae [Takahashi & Mamet 1958]: Styrax japonicus, S. obassia ; Symplocaceae [Takahashi & Mamet 1958]: Symplocos chinensis; Urticaceae [Chou et al. 1996][Takahashi & Mamet 1958]: Boehmeria densiflora [Takahashi 1938] NATURAL ENEMIES [Hernandez et al, 2003] : Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae: Encarsia lutea (Masi) 1909, E. transvena (Timberlake) 1926 |
Massilieurodes kirishimensis Takahashi comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes kirishimensis (Takahashi) 1963 comb. nov. [Jensen, 2001: 292] Dialeurodes kirishimensis Takahashi & Mamet 1963 DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi: 1934] : Oriental: Japan HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Theaceae: Cleyera japonica |
Massilieurodes monticola Takahashi comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes monticola (Takahashi) 1934 [Jensen, 2001: 292]
DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1935] : Oriental:Taiwan HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Daphniphylliaceae: Daphniphyllum sp. |
Massilieurodes multipori Takahashi comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes multipori Takahashi 1933 comb. nov. [Jensen 2001: 302] Massilieurodes multipori Takahashi 1933 DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1935] : Oriental: Taiwan HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Daphniphylliaceae: Daphniphyllum glaucescens
Massilieurodes myricae Jensen NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes myricae Jensen 2001: 305-307 DISTRIBUTION [Jensen, 2001: 305-307] : Nearctic:USA (Florida & Washington, DC) HOST [Jensen, 2001: 305-307] : Myricaceae: Myrica cerifera |
Massilieurodes rarasana Takahashi comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes rarasana Takahashi comb. nov. [Jensen, 2001: 292] DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi & Mamet 1963] [Takahashi: 1934] : Oriental: Taiwan HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Araceae: Symplocarpus sp.; Fagaceae: Lithocarpus? |
Massilieurodes sakaki Takahashi 1958 comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes sakaki (Takahashi) 1958 comb. nov. [Jensen, 2001: 292] Dialeurodes sakaki Takahashi 1958 DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi: 1958] : Oriental: Japan HOST [Takahashi 1958] : Theaceae: Cleyera ochnacea |
Massilieurodes setiger Goux NOMENCLATURE:
DISTRIBUTION [Martin 2000: 432] [Goux 1939] : Palaearctic: Corfu, Corsica, France, Italy, Morocco, Spain HOST [Goux 1939]: Caprifoliaceae [Martin 2000: 432]: Viburnum tinus ; Ericaceae : Arbutus unedo |
Massilieurodes splendens Regu & David comb. nov. NOMENCLATURE : Massilieurodes splendens (Regu & David) comb. nov. [Jensen, 2001: 292]
DISTRIBUTION [Takahashi 1935] : Palaearctic:India HOST [Takahashi 1935] : Arecaceae: Phoenix humilis |